Elves and Apologizes

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"Whats that?" I whisper. "I have no idea mate." Bunny asks in a strong but quite voice. The monster came closer and closer and it's shadow grew bigger and bigger and we stood in ready position to run for it. Then finally it cane out of the shadows and it............... was elves?

"It was just an elves...." Tooth says quietly. "Well that was....." I stand there a bit disappointed but glad it wasn't a real monster.

"The elves stole our weapons?" Jack says unsurely.

"Apparently." Bunny says a bit bummed at what our 'thief' turned out to be.

With a sigh Tooth flies and removes the weapons from the elves who are playing with the weapons and returns it to us.

Jacks POV:

I look at my staff for a bit until Bunny and Tooth have left and me and Hazel are alone.She was collecting her arrows from the ground.

"Hazel?" I feel a bit nervous talking to her.

"What's up?" Strange I thought she would be mad at me.

"Umm...about last night, I'm really sor-"

"Don't. It was my fault I shouldn't have brought it up"

"Still I shouldn't have..."

"Jack. Forget it okay what happened happened, it's past. So we can start fresh."

She got up and held her arrows in one hand and extended the other in front of me. I shook her hand but it felt a few butterflies land in my stomach.

"Hi, I'm Cupid but you can call me Hazel." She said cheerfully.

"H-hey I'm Jack Frost but you can call me Jack." I said a bit awkwardly.

"Well now that we are friends that lifts a few boulders off my shoulder."

"Yeah..." I said quietly while I look at her slightly messy hair and eyes.

"By the way, next time remember to at least leave a blanket cause I was shivering all night."

She said with a slight smirk on her face.

I scratch the back of my neck and look to my feet. "H-how d-did you figure out it was me?"

"There was frost on the back of my dress and on the floor in the room."

"Oh uh um about that-" To my surprise she quickly kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks anyway." She gently said smiling and giving me a wink before turning around and leaving.

I was left there blushing and a bit confused, the spot where she kissed me on my cheek felt warm and nice. My stomach was in knots. Then I felt someone pat my back hard. I almost fell over and it knocked out what what ever was going on in my mind.

"Ah, I see you have feeling for Cupid eh?" The strong Russian accent made it clear that it was North.

"Wh-what NO!" I said denying it and trying to avoid all the drama.

North just laughs at my answer. "Well Jack I should warn you though."

"Why for what?"

"About liking Cupid."

"I don't like Cupid!" I answer a bit annoyed.

"Bunny also likes Cupid so watch out."

"Wait Bunny likes Cupid?"

Thats some interesting news. Hmm. That would explain why Bunny was so exited to meet Hazel.

He gives a jolly laugh. "He's had crush on her since the day he met her."

"Does Cupid know?"

"I don't know that but you got some competition, wish you luck." He gives one more laugh before leaving back to his office.

Competition? What is he talking about? I don't like Cupid or want her to like me...I think.

Hazel POV:

I run down the stairs to see Tooth. I find her talking to her little fairies about teeth. "You guys these teeth are wonderful, look how they flossed."

"Hey Tooth.

"Oh hey Hazel." She speaks joyfully as she turns to look at me.

'CRASH'! Something crashes through the window and lands on a table.


Heyy! Whats up?? And if your wondering about Bunny having a crush on Cupid then don't I'll explain a bit more in the next chapter. And I have something more interesting coming up for all you awesome people! 😏😄

- Wild Flower 🌷

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