Dusty Rooms and Lost Weapons

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I felt my weight and body telling me to go check up on Hazel but my brain still refused to go.Eventually I decided to go to the roof and apologize to her.I guess keeping a grudge on someone the day you meet them isn't a good idea. I fly silently to the roof and hide behind the chimney.

Sandy had already beat me to it and has put her to sleep. I slowly make my way to Sandy. "Well I guess I'll jut have to apologize tomorrow,problem solved-" Sandy crossed his arms and started showing sand symbols and thankfully this time he slowed down and I understood. "What do you mean 'carry her to her room' I just came to apologize!" Sandy stared at me waiting . I gave in, I was getting a bit tired myself.

I picked her up and made it to an empty room with a bed.I laid her onto the bed and for the first time I could actually see what she looked like.She had brown hair that curled at the ends and she had bangs that covered the left side of her face,then she was wearing a golden necklace that had a small pair of wings.

She was dressed in a pure white dress that is poofy at the top and had gold plates at her shoulder with interesting designs that held her dress together then below is smooth and silky pale white fabric, the front of the dress ended just above her knees the back ended at her ankles. Then gold vine like ribbon twirled around her leg below the knee and she had gold flats.To finish it all of she was wearing a short cloak with a hoodie.

I didn't notice I was staring at her for a long time, I just couldn't stop myself. My eyes refused to look anywhere else except at her. I guess she is quite beauti- my own voice stopped me in mid-sentence. 'What are you thinking Jack this is Cupid, stop staring at her for gods sake, she is angry at you right now and if she saw you like this she would think your a really creepy person that watches people sleep' my own voice scolded me so I left.

Hazel POV:

I woke up when the sun light from a small window shined right in my eyes. I crash my face onto my pillow hard and groan, I HATE MORNINGS! I'm just not a morning person. I wonder what time it is? Wait, how did I get from the roof to my bed?!? I don't remember coming here. I sit up and look around the room. It's pretty dusty and old, I see a dresser with a cracked mirror and one arm chair.

I make my way to the washroom so I can splash water on my face. When I'm done I look in the small mirror in front of the sink and comb my hair with my fingers. When I got out I saw my bows and arrows no where in site! How could I lose them! I grow more and more frustrated when I start tearing the place up looking for my bows and arrows. I give up after 30 minutes and sit in arm chair with a sigh and swing my head back. Then my gaze falls at a strange pattern on the ceiling. I have the same pattern on the plates on my shoulders.

Hmm,strange I wonder why- my thoughts were interrupted by Tooth's sweet gentle voice. "You awake?" "Come in."

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She takes a seat on the bed.

"Horrible,frustrated and confused."

"Why what's wrong?"

"I lost my bows and arrows and I don't know how I got in this room in the first place."

"Well why don't you eat something and all of us can help you find it."

"I don't remember the last time I had something to eat, it's been centuries." I saw with a slight laugh.

I walk out with Tooth and she takes me to a table to eat. Then she leaves and brings me back some milk and a apple. I am about to start when I hear arguing getting louder as they approach.

"Don't lie fuzz ball I know you took my staff, I just know you took it!" Jack was looking quite furious.

"Yeah yeah blame me for all of your problems right!" Bunny was burning with just as much anger.

I decided to take a bite of my apple but Tooth's voice stops me this time.

"Wait, Jack you missing your staff right?"


"And my boomerangs and egg bombs too. Once I find that lil' rascal of a thief I am going to-"

"And Hazel is missing her bow and arrows." Tooth adds in.

I try and finally take a bite of my apple but this time Jack stops me.

"Wait you lost you bow and arrow?"


"Then lets go and tell North!" Bunny says suggestively.

Jack and Tooth nod in agreement.

"C'mon Hazel you can eat breakfast later we got a thief to catch!" Tooth says in rush gesturing me up the stairs.

"But I haven't eaten anything yet." I wine but they are already up the stairs, I start running up and catching up with them.

"Guys wait look its one of Bunny's egg bombs!" Jack says happily.

"Then he must be close by." Tooth claps her hands in joy. Then we see a shadow on the wall coming from the twist of stairs leading upwards to North's office. The shadow looked like a giant monster with horns and a tail and strange ears? It got closer and closer and.....


Heyyy! I thought I would end hanging like that. Just for fun. And fyi Pitch will not be doing anything evil anytime soon instead there will be a new made up villain. If you have any great ideas leave a comment. 👍

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- Wild_Flower 🌺

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