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Nic's POV

My head was pounding. The sun was peeking through my blinds, making my head pound harder than it already was. The mixture of the alcohol from the night before, along with the head rush I got from remembering the past two years, and seeing Sammy with Stassie and crying.

I felt broken. I felt like everything I loved was ripped from my body.

It was like the day my mom died.
*flash back*
I never forget it. I was sitting in my room with Nat. It was like 3 am, and we were just up waiting for my mom to tell us she landed. She was on her way to go on a little vacation thing that Nat and I had planned for her. Her friends were already there she was the one running late as usual. That's where I got it from. My dad walked in for the 90th time that night. I assumed it was cause he was gonna tell us to go to bed. His face was different though. He was pale, and was staring blankly ahead.

"Dad?" I asked. He sat down on my bed, Nat on his left, me on his right.

"There was an accident.." he said. Tears welded in his eyes.

"With mom.. the plane.. it.. it crashed.. no survivors" he said. My world seemed to stop. I felt every single thing in my body leave. I felt cold.

"What?" Nat asked. My dad repeated himself. Nat began crying and I sat there. Numb. I wanted to cry.. I wanted to scream.. I wanted my mom to walk in the door, and tell me it was some sort of sick joke..

But it wasn't.. she wouldn't be coming home in two days.. my mom was dead. She was gone. And wasn't coming back.

* End of flashback *
I clicked instagram, and scrolled through my feed. I liked occasional pictures and then I went to my notifications. Everyone was tagging me in something and I clicked on it. It was a flipagram Sammy made of us. My heart sank and I took a deep breath and began reading what he wrote.

"A year with you. A year with my best friend. A year with the love of my life. I didn't know what it was to be happy, until I met you.. you strolled in.. and stole my heart from the second I met you. You've brought the better out from me.. and have been my confidant, lover, and my number one supporter... I love you.. I love you more than words can explain.. a love like ours only happens for some.. and I'm grateful to have you... I love you and happy anniversary." I read allowed, chocking out every single word. I slammed my phone down and began sobbing into my pillow. It hurt. Every single thing in me hurt. I continued to sob, not caring how loud I was. I didn't hear my door open, all I felt was my bed move and my blanket shift.

"Sis.." Nat whispered. I uncovered myself. She was laying next to me and Skate was at the foot of my bed. I felt my tears welding up in my eyes, and she hugged me.

"Why does it hurt so bad.." I cried. She stroked my back and I continued to cry on her chest.

"It's okay... you guys are gonna be okay.." she said trying to calm me down.

"Were not! You guys don't understand... he still wants her.. he still loves her... I can see it" I cried.

"He doesn't." Skate said. Nat made me sit up, and I laid my head on her shoulder and looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Trust me.. I've known him.. forever.. I saw him with Stassie.. she triggered his alcohol problem.. she put him through hell.. she was spoiled.. and treated him like shit.. I saw him change as soon as he got with you.. he was back to normal.. he loves you more than you could possibly imagine Nic.." he said.  I felt more tears welding up and I put my head down.

"I just don't know what to do.." I cried. Skate hugged me and just held me.
"And I remember everything.." I said.

"That's great Nic.." Nat said. I shrugged and just covered my face. After a few seconds, Nat spoke up again.

"want us to leave you alone?" she asked. Did I? Did I want to be alone. I had my two best friends right in front of me, and they were all ears to listen to all my feelings. But I didn't wanna keep them from doing whatever couple shit they were gonna do..

"We don't mind.. it'll be like old times.." Nat said. I looked at my hands.

"Old times.. like when y'all were love key in love and I was single?" I asked with a small smile on my face. They took that as a sign to stay, which made me kind of happy. Nate plopped himself between us and covered us with a blanket. I could tell they didn't wanna be all cuddled up but they just looked awkward. They spent hours with me trying to distract me. We ordered food, and rented movies. I avoided social media at all cost.. and I ignored everyone of sammys messages. Skate took my phone at one point to make sure of it. But as much as I wanted to avoid Sammy, he was still in my mind, and in my thoughts. It had been a few hours since I had last seen him, but I already missed him.. I wanted him to be with me in that moment.. to celebrate the new year and our anniversary together like we were supposed to.. but shit happens. Shit always happens. And it sucked because I knew no matter how angry I was, I still fucking loved him... but I feel like he still loves Stassie.
Okay so I'm at a loss of what to write next/ how to continue the story! Any ideas please lmk

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