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I wasn't excited for the party honestly. I probably wasn't going to remember anyone there, and who knows how big it was going to be. I showered and when I made my way to my room, I yelped because there was a group of girls with Nat and Mia.

"What's going on?" I asked. The girls looked at Nat with sad eyes.

"Nic.. these are your friends Maral.. Nazanin.. her older sister Yasmin.. More of your friends will be at the party.." She said. I looked at the girls, who were all holding backs of gifts and their luggage was everywhere.

"You'll remember us eventually. Happy birthday baby girl!" The one named Yasmin said. I blushed and looked up at them.

"Thank you... I actually have friends besides Nate?" I asked shocked. All I ever really had was my sister.

"You do babe.. now get something comfy on, the hair and makeup crew is downstairs" Nat said. I threw on anything, and the crew came up and began working. The girls were telling me all sorts of memories and it was slowly coming to me. It was hitting me at random points. I actually remembered my friends.

"We were your first YouTube friends.. then we met at beauty cons.. and the rest was history" Nazanin said. I learned that she and Yasmin were Persians, and moved here from Romania when they were younger. They were from Columbus Ohio, and were moving to LA soon. Maral was Nazanin's best friend. They were incredibly successful on YouTube. They took me under their wings basically.

After the crew finished working on me, my curly hair was pin straight. Naz ran her fingers through it and nodded in satisfaction at the team. My face was beat. The girls had given them ideas on what to do on me, and the look was golden and kind of smoked out with lashes. My high light was killer, and I honestly felt like I looked good. Nat pulled my outfit out the closet. It was a two piece outfit. All black. The top was a crop top, and had spaghetti straps. The bottom was a tight fitted skirt that came up to my knees. I put on some black tie up heels, and left my jewelry on that I got for my birthday from my family and Sammy. It was a simple outfit, but it all came together. Nat was wearing a strapless black body con dress, with similar heels. After getting all of our pictures, we loaded into my jeep. We followed my dad to the venue which was HUGE. he said something about it being the place Kris Jenner used or something. My parents worked on her and the rest of the clans homes, so they were cool I'm guessing. I didn't think it was going to be that big. We got out of our car, and made our way inside. My dad went. All. Out. There were photographers, people everywhere. A dj. The works. After meeting the rest of my friends, I realized I lost Nat. I searched for her, and saw her with a familiar girl. Nat pulled me over and the girl smiled at me.

"Nic.. you look amazing.. I'm glad you're doing well.." she said. She was a bit taller than me, thick as hell, and had a deeper skin tone.

"I'm jordyn.. your sisters friend. Kylie should be here soon." My heart jumped because I realized who she was talking about.

"Kylie.. Jenner?" My voice squeaked. She laughed and nodded.

"Yeah.. she wants to work with you guys again." She said. My head was spinning.

"It was great to meet you Jordyn.." I said. She hugged me and I made my way away from them. I was friends with celebrities? Who had I become in the span of two years? What had my sister and I built for ourselves? In the midst of my though pool, I bumped right into Sammy.

"Slow down the- woah.." he said. He stepped back from me and looked at me up and down.

"You're killing me." He said. I look at him up and down, and he was wearing a white button down, black fitted pants, and black dress shoes. His hair, was no longer blonde but now brown and he had cut it.

"You look good Wilk" I said. His eyes lit up and his mouth dropped.

"You remembered my nick name.." he said. I raised an eyebrow.

"I did?" I asked. He nodded. The photographer came over, and pictures of us, so we posed for some, our bodies were close, and Sammy's hand rested right above my butt. It was natural for us. After the photographer walked away, I realized Sammy was taking pictures of me, and that he began recording a video and I blushed. When he was done, I looked at him.

"Sammy.. who am I.. I'm friends with- with Kylie Jenner?" I asked. He bit his lip and smiled.

"Oh that's not the best part. You've babysat for Kim. Worked with a bunch of celebrities... actually come on there's someone I want you to meet" he said with a smile on his face. He took my hand and led me through a group of people. He tapped on a guys back, and when he turned around I nearly passed out.

"Nic, you know Justin right? You were his video girl when he recorded hold tight." Sammy said. Justin Bieber smiled and I stood there. Shocked. Justin licked his lower lip, and laughed.

"It's great to hear you're doing better Nic.. listen, I'm gonna film the video for my song the feeling.. I wanna work with you again" he said. I slowly nodded and he hugged me.

"Happy birthday" he said before letting me go. I was lost for words and looked at Sammy.

"I-... what?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"Come on." He said. We continued through the party, and after dinner, my dad had a slide show for us. A piano was brought to the center of the floor, and Justin went to the piano. He began playing the keys to Purpose, as the slide show began. It was filmed in the style of an old home movie. Videos of Nat and I graced the screen, and once a video of us and my mom came on I lost it. The video continued, and there were so many pictures and clips. An old photo of Sammy and I came up, and I looked for him and he smiled at me. After the video, the party really began. I danced with the girls, my sisters, and Sammy for a whileeeeee. Nat pulled me aside at one point to meet Kylie. She smiled at me and handed us heavy ass boxes.

"Happy birthday girls! And Nat, stassie said happy birthday" she said. I raised an eyebrow. That name rang a bell. I thanked Kylie before excusing myself. I bumped right into my friends.

"Who's stassie?" I asked. They looked around at each other, and Maral spoke up.

"Sammy's ex. I think he should explain the whole story." She said. A little bubble of anger rose in me and I nodded. The party continued on, and on our way out, I grabbed Sammy.

"Hey.. who's stassie.." I asked. His face paled

"She.. my ex. We broke up on good terms.. the thought of us working everything out came up.. but then I met you... she's Nat's friend and she told me she would be my friend, but wasn't going to tolerate you. So I said, if she can't accept you, she can leave me alone.." he said. Anger stood in me.

"Right.." I said looking down. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Hey.. stop. I love you okay?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded. I felt jealous, I don't know why because I barely knew him. At this point everyone was out of the party and Sammy lightly kissed my head.

"Call me when you get home." He said. I nodded and left the party, going home and continuing the night with my friends.
I'm like everywhere honestly with this book. I have so many things I'm trying to do with it! But yeah there's a lot of familiar names in here! Remember to vote and comment babes!

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