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Everything was happening in slow motion. I remembered the entire night of the accident.. and every single thing before it. I don't know if he pushed her off... I don't know if she stopped.. I don't know anything.. it was like I blacked out

I hated being at these parties. My sister always left me, and my boyfriend was with his boys. I was always just talking with Austin, and occasionally Madison who would sometimes come. This night, I was pissed because Sammy and I were arguing about god only knows.

"He's such an ass" I muttered. Madison rubbed my back, comforting me as a best friend would do.

"Y'all are just mad... you'll kiss and make up and kiss some more later" she said smiling. I shook my head. I watched as Stassie walked over to him, and I was curious as to what she would do. She giggled and flirted, but he had his stone cold serious face on. I then saw her cock her head to the side, and reach for his face, and that was all I needed to see before I walked over.

"Yeah no" I said grabbing her arm. She turned and gave me a disgusted look.

"Please. I could have him if I wanted" she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Then try taking him" I said laughing. She furrowed her eye brows together and Sammy sighed.

"Nicccccc" he groaned.

"So you chose this.. over me? Smart move Sam" she said. I wanted to snap, but Sammy dragged me outside and placed me in his car, locking us in without me noticing.

"Let me the fuck out" I said as he began driving.

"Calm the fuck down" he said.

"You're always telling me to calm down when it comes to her! WHAT THE FUCK SAMMY!" I said. He ignored me and I kept bitching.

"Then you let her fucking refer to me the way! You never fucking defend me!" I said. I could feel tears welding up in my eyes.

"Stop.. you know how I feel about you!" He said.

"Then stop fuckin letting this shit happen again and again and a fucking gain!!" I yelled smacking the dashboard with my fist for every syllable.

"Just calm down" he said. I could feel my tears falling and I just wanted to hit something. I looked away from him, and then I saw the lights coming towards us.

"Sammy look out!" I yelled. Then I woke up a month later in a hospital bed.

*end of flashback*
Sammy saw me. I felt the tears welding in my eyes. I wasn't gonna make a scene. It wasn't in me... not anymore.. Austin saw my face, but I backed away before he could ask me what was wrong. Sammy made his way towards me, and I made a beeline for the first door I saw. I ended up outside in a parking lot. I was sobbing. I hadn't sobbed like this since..

Since my mom died.

I felt like someone ripped a piece of me out again. I saw his face.. I saw the whole thing until I blacked out. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt hands on my shoulder, that made me turn and face them.

"Nic.." Sammy said taking my face in his hands. I pulled away from him and his face, looked like mine probably did.

"Please.. I didn't do anything.. I didn't let her" he said

"But you wanted to.." I cried.

"You fucking a wanted to.. I saw it all over your face Sammy... I can't- I can't continue to compete for this.. this happened the night of the accident.. and it's happening again.. I can't fucking keep up.. if you love her I'm not gonna hold you back" I said holding my hands up.

"You remember that.." he whispered.

"I remember everything.." I said. I continued to sob and I saw Austin come out.

"Please let me explain" he said. I shook my head and gave him the promise ring that was on my finger. I saw all the color drain from his face.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-no" he said trying to give it back. I was basically a symbol for something completely simple.

I was done.

"I can't do this anymore.." I said.

"I can't keep.. competing with that bitch." I said.

I chocked the next words out.

"I'm done.. I'm sorry" I said. Austin came over and led me to his car, and we pulled off. Leaving Sammy in the parking lot.

Sammy's POV
I stood holding Nic's ring in my hand. I felt like my legs were jello. I felt like I couldn't move. She saw Stassie trying to kiss me.. she didn't see me pushing her away from me.. she didn't see me snap. She didn't see any of it.. I knew it wouldn't matter. At this point people were moving outside, and I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Hey there" Stassies voice rang in my ear.

"Don't touch me.." I said removing her arms from around my torso.

"Stop.. I keep telling you she isn't right for you" she said.

"Isn't right for me? Nicole is everything to me. I don't drink heavily anymore.. because of her... she's humble.. she isn't materialistic.. she listens to me.. I'm not angry when I'm with her.. I'm happier.. I smile and laugh more.. I fucking don't have panic attacks anymore!" I yelled.

"She's every single thing to me, and she just fucking left me.. BECAUSE OF YOU! You don't know your boundaries and you don't know how to respect me, my girlfriend, my relationship, let alone yourself. I've been done with you! She's the only fucking person I want Stassie can't you see that! Stop trying! Sure me and you were good. But when we broke up, and she came into my life.. she showed me what REAL love is.. and you'll never compare to her.. or to what we have.. so stop. Trying." I said. I stormed off, leaving her there looking shocked. Skate and Nat followed, and they drove me home. I tried going to Nic's apartment but Nat shook her head. I knew she was home because Austin texted me saying he dropped her off.

"Let her cool down." She said. I handed her Nic's ring.

"Give this to her.. please" I said. Tears welding in my eyes. She nodded and touched my hand.

"It'll be alright bro.." she said.

"She loves you.. and knows you love her" she said. I nodded and she slowly shut the door.

I made my way to my apartment, and watched the flipagram I had posted hours before if she and I.. I watched hers as well. My heart ached because I knew that if Nic didn't want me.. I was done for.

And for the first time in two years, I had an anxiety attack and cried myself to sleep, because I feared losing the girl I loved more than anything.

I was sad writing this chapter tbhhhh. Remember to vote and comment y'all!

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