A/N + next book

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Idk I'm just being weird but HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I'd give you guys a card or something but idk if that'd be something you'd want from some random girl lmao so instead I give you a finished book.

I feel like each time I end a book I get even more sappy and emotional tbh. Is that going to stop me from publishing even more? Hell no.

Anyways, I just wanna say thank you not only to god (Victor) but to Jesus (Victor). No but on a more serious note, I love you guys to death and would really just like to say thank for all the support and wonderful comments I've received on the two books I've written so far. I hope I'm meeting your expectations with this? And that you guys actually like them? I really don't feel like I say thank you to you guys enough.

In reality I'm just a nerd who has way too much time on their hands but you guys liking my book has made me really happy and I just really hope my books have you happy too because I'd like to share that happiness with everyone because you're all really cool and great even if I've never really talked to any of you.

Sorry I'm rambling again lmao

Uhm, idk if you really want to put yourself through another one of my books again but if you do I'll have a new book out called "Royal Pain"

And since my blurbs are always so short I can just copy and paste it here :

"Every guard who has ever tried to fill the role of Yuuri's royal bodyguard has quit after a month. Victor, his newest guard, is determined to stay."

I thought this fic would be a cool change of pace because hey royalty AUs are pretty cool too (at least I think so idk) I'll have the story up with just the blurb probably as soon as I publish this and hopefully have a chapter out tomorrow.

I think that's all?? Have a nice day, week, month, year and all that fun stuff.

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