Ch. 15

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Suddenly Yurio was grinning like an idiot too, as he practically ran up to meet a much taller boy with black hair "Beka!"

The boy turned around a smiled down at the blonde "Yuri"

Yurio took a deep breathe and calmed himself down, giving the taller boy a simple nod.

Yuuri wanted to laugh because he thought it was cute but remember not to embarrass him.

"Oh, right, I wanted you to meet my parents" he paused, his eyes never leaving the latter's "Is that okay?"

The tall boy nodded as Yurio lead him over to where they stood.

"Yuuri, Victor, this is Otabek Altin" he grinned before looking up at his 'friend' "Otabek, these are my parents, Victor and Yuuri."

Otabek had black hair and dark brown eyes, he didn't seem very talkative, but-

Wait did he say parents?

Victor smiled and shook the boy's outstretched hand.

Then it was Yuuri's turn, not that it clicked for a second or two "Oh! Sorry" he shook the boy's hand.

The boy gave a small laugh "It's nice to finally meet you both."

Yurio blushed "Hey, you make it sound like I blatantly haven't been letting you meet them!"

The boy rolled his eyes fondly at the blonde.

"Remember to text us, okay?" Yuuri smiled.

The blonde nodded before taking the other boy's hand and tugging him away.

Yuuri's eyes returned to find Victor watching them disappear into the crowd with a tilted head "You caught that too right?"

"The 'parents' thing?"


Yuuri nodded "yeah. I thought it was cute."

Victor grinned "Me too."

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now