Ch. 5

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"Phichit, I'm dead, I'm dying, I am deceased, please start planning my funeral immediately."

"Look, maybe I should call the ambulance just in case you hit your head when you fell-"

Yuuri was too busy screaming into his pillow to hear his friend.

"Are you done?"

He paused and thought about it.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Seriously though, maybe you should try talking to him if you like him so much- Yuuri please stop screaming"

"Phichit, I fell out of a chair just because he looked at me. Looked at me. Just saying 'hi' is going to end up with me in a grave.

"Or in his bed, you never- Oh my god! Sorry! Sorry! Just stop you banshee!"

Yuuri propped his head up on his elbow "Well, it's not my fault you don't think about things before you say them."

"I did think, just not in the way you wanted me to."

"Okay, so from now on before you speak just think 'would Yuuri start screaming if I said this'"


The ravenette rolled his eyes "I try."

"No, but seriously, maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know him."

"Last time we went with the 'it wouldn't hurt to try' type of thinking, you tried to trick my cousin into dating you."


"He was engaged."

"This conversation must be a sphere because I'm still not seeing any point here."

Yuuri let out a long dramatic sigh "I don't know, hot people intimidate me, and Victor is literally the definition of hot."

"True... but aren't short people with glasses everyone's greatest weakness?"

"Uhm... I don't know if that's how it works.."

"Honey, that's exactly how it works, don't worry."

"Ugh... you're no help."

"Uhm... yeah? I'm planning your wedding right now, so I'd say I'm a great help." He could almost hear the grin in his friend's voice.

"Wait, what-"

"So, I'm thinking maybe at least twenty seven wedding cakes, or is that too much?"

"You're dead to me, Phichit." Yuuri said but couldn't help the laugher bubbling past his lips.

"Well, I didn't hear a no."

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now