Ch. 1

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Yuuri sighed as he pulled into his new driveway.

He wasn't really sure moving was the best idea he had ever had, but it was too late to back out now.

Almost instantly his phone lit up with his mom's number.


He slipped out of his car finally and walked around to the back, balancing his phone between his ear and his shoulder before grabbing a box out of his trunk.

"Yuuri! Did you make it there?"

He unlocked the door before gently kicking it open


There was an awkward silence, Yuuri just setting the box in the living room before returning to his car for another.

"Are you getting settled in nicely?"

He rolled his eyes but answered her with another simple "Yeah."

He had never really been that close with his family, he stuck more with his close friends instead.

"I'm going to finish up unpacking, so I'll text you later, okay?"

"Okay, bye."


Yuuri hung up at this and continued to complete his box cycle until none remained, and instead were all in his living room.

With a heavy sigh he plopped down on his couch.

Not a moment later, his phone was buzzing in his pocket again, making him groan as he answered.


"You don't sound like you're making cookies"

"Phichit why the hell would I possibly be doing that?"

"To give them to your neighbors? That's what normal people do. Then you don't have to talk to them after that if you don't want."

Yuuri pinched the bridge of his nose "Maybe in the 1950s, but why? What if I don't want to talk to them at all?"

"Yuuri! It's polite, plus, don't you want to know who you live by just in case they turn out to be murderers or something?"

"Why...." He didn't bother to finish his sentence "Fine. Will you be happy if I make them cookies?"




I know this was a kinda crappy chapter but I've got some things on my mind that I can't stop thinking about right now and a little bit of writers block. I promise the next chapter will be way better though, don't worry.

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now