Ch. 22

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About a week later of them dating, they eventually sat Yurio down on the couch, a little unsure on how he'd take the news.



"You know we love you, right?"

The blonde's eyes flickered between them and he nodded surely, looking hella skeptical "Yeah..."

There a small moment of silence and before Victor could speak again, Yurio cracked.

"I swear I haven't done anything! I don't know what I'm in trouble for but I promise you, I'm innocent!"

Yuuri gave a small chuckle "Who said you're in trouble?"

The blonde blink a few times "That's what it normally means when parents sit a kid down..."

Victor rolled his eyes "You're a good kid Yurio."

Yurio's brows furrowed in confusion as he crossed his arms "so if I'm not in trouble, why exactly are we sitting here?"

Yuuri and Victor exchanged glances.

"Well..." Yuuri began, but didn't have to finish because Victor was already bursting out.

"Yuuri and I are dating!"

This exclaimatipn was followed by silence.




And then Yurio suddenly laughed "Uhm, yeah? I kinda got that a while ago."

Victor gave him a confused look "We only started dating last week..."

This made Yurio's laughter die down abruptly "Wait, what?"

He stood up in shock "You mean this whole time you two have just been flirting like horny teenagers?!"


"Are you kidding me? I thought you started dating after Yuuri locked himself out of his house!"

The blonde ran his hands over his face "Oh my god, you're both... just... I don't even know what to do with you two now!"

Yuuri and Victor sat there,feeling somewhat like children being scolded by a furious mother.

But after a moment Victor started laughing which made Yuuri smile "Surprise?"

"I literally thought you two were dating this whole time, I feel like my whole life has been a lie now." He said, plopping back down on the couch.

Yuuri grinned and got up to sit beside Yurio, enveloping him in a hug "The more you know!"

"The more my will to live decreases."

Victor joined in with a laugh.

They sat liked that for a while, all of them just smiling like idiots and hugging each other.

"Wait, so you two really weren't dating until last week?"

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now