Ch. 18

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Yuuri stumbled off the ride with wide eyes and his face burning bright red, Victor looking completely unfazed by what had happened and offering the girl working the machine a smile who gave him a thumbs up.

"So, I'm thinking we should go get a ton of candy."

His eyes fluttered over to Victor "Is that so?"

"Mhm, maybe play some games too."


They walked along the fair side by side, Yuuri swing his hands softly again. It was becoming a habit. Or a coping method for when Victor wasn't holding his hand.

"Cotton candy?"

Yuuri blinked a few times, taking a second to realize he had said anything "Oh, uhm... yeah.."

The taller boy took his hand and gently pulled him along to a small cart before he was being handed some of the pink fluffy happiness.

They walked over to a bench and sat down, but there was already someone sitting on one end so they took the other and Yuuri pretty much had to sit in Victor's lap.

He gave a soft sigh and stuffed his face with it.

Victor gently tipped his chin towards him "You okay?"

"Yeah..." their eyes met "No, not really... I mean what flavor even is pink cotton candy?"

"Uhm..." Victor trailed off, but nothing seemed to come to mind "I don't think the government wants you to question that."

"Oops." But Yuuri didn't feel sorry in the slightest.

Victor tugged some off of Yuuri's cotton candy and tasted it "Now I'm not even sure if there's a difference between pink and blue.."

Yuuri tilted his head and took some of Victor's before whining "Stop encouraging my cotton candy existential crisis!"

The silver haired boy laughed and Yuuri smiled fondly at the sound.

"So, how about some games now?"

He grinned "'course."

They sat there for a moment.

"Yuuri, you have to get off my lap first."

"oh. Oh. Oh!" He quickly hopped up as Victor burst into laughter, standing up too but only to wrap his arms around Yuuri.

"You're so cute, and sometimes I just can't."

He blushed "Thank you. You're cute too."

Victor smiled brightly and grabbed Yuuri's hand, swinging it lightly "C'mon, let's go."


Soon, Yuuri was grinning like an idiot and his arms were filled with stuffed animals, mostly cute pigs... actually, come to think of it, all of them were pigs.

Victor stared down at him with a look on his face Yuuri couldn't name, but it made him happy anyways "You having fun?"

"Having fun? No" Yuuri met Victor's surprised eyes "I'm having the time of my life, Vic"

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now