Ch. 10

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The next time Yuuri woke up he was less confused and a lot happier.

He rolled over and began jabbing his friend in the back with a finger until he rolled over and fake glared at him "What do you want this time?"

Yuuri shrugged before rolling back over to annoy the latter.

"Oh my god, I might strangle you."

Suddenly he was being rolled back over, forcibly but gently.

Yuuri couldn't help but give him a toothy smile "Yes?"

Victor sighed and shook his head softly yet couldn't help but smile back "You're cute, you know that?"

"Yeah right" The ravenette rolled his eyes.

"No, seriously! You're really sweet and cute, and-" he poked Yuuri's cheek which was beginning to tint pink "You blush everytime someone says something nice to you or about you, which to me makes you even more adorable."

Yuuri pulled the blanket up to his face and buried his face in it, letting out a muffled "Ugh, stooop!"

Victor laughed and poked the boy a few more times "It's true though."

He peered up from his blankets momentarily to pout at his friend "You just like making me blush, don't you?"

"It's actually both. I just like to make it known to you that you're cute and that makes you blush too so it's a win win situation."

Yuuri rolled his eyes about respond with some comeback when suddenly the door was thrown open and a blonde was bellyflopping onto the bed between them with a dramatic groan.

Yuuri couldn't help but laugh as Victor sighed and shook his head "What is it this time?"


"Make it yourself, you're grown."

There was a short silence.

Yuuri began poking Victor who just looked at him for a minute "What do you want?"

"Food." He replied, making Yuri's head pop up and give him an approving grin.

"Ugh, you're both fully capable of feeding yourselves so why don't you?"

The ravenette gave a dramatic huff "Fine, cmon Yuri, I'll make us some pancakes."

Victor's eyes lit up.

"For us. And only us."

Victor frowned and faked a sniffle "I'm hurt."

Yuuri got up out of bed and started walking toward the kitchen.

"Victor, marry your boyfriend so he can move in and we can kick you out. Or I might just go live with him. He's cooler."

Yuuri's felt his face heat up and he quickened his pace, not catching victor's reply.

He stared at the stove for a few moments before he noticed the blonde who appeared beside him.

"Yuri, would you mind grabbing the ingredients? I don't know where anything is in this house.."


He came back with a bunch of stuff and put it on the counter before bringing him a bowl and a whisk. (I'm sorry)

"Thanks for making breakfast." The blonde said with a genuine smile directed at him.

The ravenette grinned back "No, thank you for letting me stay here. This is the least I could do to pay you back."

"You're fine. You're cooler than Victor right now, so I don't mind having you here." He grinned, leaning against the counter.

There was a sigh "You make it sound like I'm the child living under your roof and not the other way around."

"I'm not a child." The blonde sent the silver haired man a glare as he entered the room.


Yuuri raised an eyebrow as he worked on their breakfast "Wait, so you're not just roommates?"

The blonde answered him "No, Victor is currently my guardian or whatever because of some family problems. So technically he's kind of like my dad, but for the most part we treat each other like roommates."

"Nope, Yuri is actually, definitely, a hundred percent, my biological son trust me, it's scientifically proven that I gave birth to him."

"Oh you shut it, old man. If anything you're my grandpa."

Victor gasped "I'm offended you could even say something like that!"

Yuuri rolled his eyes and poured a pancake onto the pan. He was growing to be more and more fond of the two. Personally, he thought the two's bickering was cute.

They all continued doing things in their own little worlds for a couple of minutes before Yuuri was placing pancakes and syrups onto the table before sitting down himself.

"Yuuri, these are great!"

The boy blushed slightly "Thank you, I'm glad you think so."

"Victor, take notes please or I'm going to have Yuuri adopt me."

Victor rolled his eyes "As much as I love you, I don't know if anyone else would put up with you as willingly as I do."

"I mean, I'd gladly adopt him, he makes some pretty great hot chocolate."

"Yeah, but two Yuri's? Won't that get confusing?"

Yuri rolled his eyes "It's already confusing."

The ravenette nodded in agreement.

"I've got this."

Victor looked between them for a moment or two.

He then jabbed a finger in Yuuri's direction "You will remain Yuuri because you'd be the dad." He then pointed over at Yuri "You would be Yurio, because you're the son."

Yuri scoffed "Please, that makes me sound like off-brand cheerios or something."

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with cheerios." Victor protested, crossing his arms.

Yuuri raised his brows "The off-brand versions though"

"Mm. Okay yeah I see your point."

Yuri looked over at the ravenette "Would it be less confusing if I did go by Yurio?"

The boy thought about it "Only if you want to, I don't want to be a bother or anything."

"Nah, you're cool. You made me food. So, yeah, I'll go with it."

Victor smiled "My genius thinking wins again."

They all sat in silence.

"I'm not sure if that's really what just happened." Yurio voiced his and Yuuri's thoughts.

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now