PART 17: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage

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Chapter seventeen


Monday, the very first day of the week, and the very first day of my new school. By the time I had gotten up, Archer was already fully dressed and waiting for me.

"Hurry up Lottie, we are going to be late" I whined, throwing the clothes at me and ushering me into the bathroom to have a shower and get ready. And I did as I was told, having a shower and getting changed in only the navy and white skirt and the lighter top. Looking at my reflection, I was happy, but I fixed up my hair and put on a little eyeliner as well. You could never have too much eyeliner.

"Lottie, hurry up" Archer's fists were banging up against the wall as he attempted to usher me out and to leave. Obviously he had people to see, and I wasn't one of them.

"Fine" I grumbled, flicking open the door and walking outside. And there Archer was in his god-like beauty. Gray pants covered his legs as he stood impatiently in his volleys, and the matching light blue shirt was crinkled up and in a boy like fashion. Archer's hair was a mess of black, his bangs carefully swept across his face, and the rest of his hair was an array of flicks and points.

Picking up my shoes, which were conveniently ballet flats, I tossed them on over my calf high socks and grabbed my bag before running down the stairs, and following Archer to the car.

"Do you have everything princess?" He asked, turning on the car and letting the engine sit a while. Nodding at him, I pulled out my phone and smiled at how many texted that I received.

From: Katy 12 32AM

Hey babe

From: Katy 12 37 AM

Bitchhhhhh! Pck up yr dm fone. D&M now!!!

From: Katy 12 55 AM

Yo! Prostitute, ansr yr fone, or im gonna rape u!

From: Katy 1 15 AM

M-k! M-k! Dnt tlk! Tell hubby to add me on fb. 2 much 2 tell. XOXOXO

From: Katy 2 30 AM

Okay BITCH! Pick up your phone slurry cause I need to talk to you! We haven't talked in a week and I'm missing you, bub, call me when you get this. And I don't give a fuck if you are in school, call!

From: Katy 3 00 AM

Okay, not stayin up much longr. U dnt no how 2 ansr a fone prbs. Gr8 news n u cnt hear it :P

Laughing at all her texts, I decided not to call her yet, because knowing us, we would be talking for a good four or so hours.

"Your friend, Katy was it, added me on FaceBook. I accepted, on the account that I will meet her, and will have to get alone with her" Archer smirked, starting up the car and driving off. I just laughed and put my phone away, until it started vibrating again. Pulling it out, I opened the message.

From: Unknown Number 7 59 AM


Was all it said and I nearly had a heart attack. Quickly closing my inbox messages, I hid the phone from Archer and closed my eyes. Tyler knows my number, and he was serious. Maybe Archer was right about dealing with the problem now, and maybe I was wrong but dealing with it as it came.

"You okay, Lots?" Archer's voice cut through my head, and I spun to face him.

"Absolutely fine, just a bit nervous" I shrugged, trying to hid the fear in my voice, and obviously I did because Archer didn't further his questioning.

I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriageWhere stories live. Discover now