Chap. 26

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"Five dollars and thirty one cents," The old lady said with a scowl. I pull out six bucks and pay for Bryan's lunch and we find our table.

I turn to Veronica's table and notice she isn't here. Good. I don't have time to fight today. We sit down and start eating in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence and the pizza wasn't exactly horrible.

"KY!" Jesse shouts, pointing behind me.

As soon as I turn around, a tray of half eaten food is dumped on me. Gasps and snickers erupt from curious students.

"Oops! I thought this was the trashcan," Veronica laughs.

I go to say something but Bryan beats me to it. "I heard you were sucking Aaron's dick this week. Why don't you get back to your job and leave my girlfriend the hell alone?" Bryan says with a dead stare.

Veronica lowers herself so her face is directly in front of Bryan's. "You always used to love it. What's the problem now?"

"He has a girlfriend you twat," I say, clenching my jaw.

She rolls her eyes with a scoff. "If you don't blow, it's a no go," She says with a smirk.

"Listen bitch," Bryan said, turning around to face her, "Instead of gagging on dicks all day, how about you gag on a couple breath mints."

Booming laughter erupts from students and even some teachers.

Veronica stomps her heel. "YOU'RE STILL TRASH!" She yells, running out.

"That was pretty funny huh?" A familiar voice asks.

Doug. Why is he talking to me? Matter of fact, why is he near me?

Bryan's whole demeanor changes immediately. He stands up abruptly, his fist clenched and his jaw tight. "The fuck do you want?!" Bryan demands.

Doug looks at me with pleading eyes. "I really want to apologize for what I did an-"

Bryan throws a hard right hook sending Doug backwards, toppling into the trashcans. Everyone automatically stands up with their phones out recording.

Colton included.

Doug holds up a bloody hand. "Bryan, I'm so sor-"

Bryan throws punch after punch until Doug is knocked completely unconscious.

And I didn't stop him.

Bryan sits back down at the table casually, like he didn't just beat someone unconscious a few seconds ago. "Now can I just enjoy my fucking lunch with my friends without interruptions?!" He booms.

I put my hands on his shoulders and try calming him down. "Bryan, I'm fine. I'm gonna just go shower and put on my gym clothes."

He angrily bites into his burger and nods with a scowl.

"That was fucking awesome!" Jesse screams. "Psycho? Yes. But still awesome."


Jesse checks Bryan off the list. "Ok, so we have something from everyone except, Asher."

"Text him and find out where he's at," I tell Jesse. She pulls out her phone and starts typing away.

Me and Jesse decided that we wanted to remember these moments forever and are creating a time capsule. So far we had Colton's salt shaker, Bryan's bloody shirt, Jesse's picture of the five of us, and my bowling keychain that I got after we went bowling. Bryan also decided to throw in a bag of breath mints with Veronica's picture on it.

Jesse says Asher is at a graveyard not to far from us and I start to wonder who he's going to mourn. I instantly feel saddened that possibly ten years from now we won't all be together and one of us could possibly be gone.

When we get to the graveyard we spot Asher kneeling beside a grave with beautiful white roses.

"Asher," I call. He turns around and gives us a smile. Me and Jess are soon wrapped in a warm embrace.

He pulls back and puts his hand up signaling to let him speak. "Before you guys ask, that's my mom. No I don't want to talk about it and yes I'm ok."

We both nod and he claps his hands together in in realization. "OH! You guys are here for the time capsule! I don't really have anything he-"

He then walks towards his mom's grave with a small smile and takes a beautiful white rose out of the bouquet and hands us one. "This is what I want to remember."

A small sniffle sounds from beside me and I turn to Jesse. She's wiping her eyes with a tissue and smiling at Asher. "This is so beautiful."

"Will you calm down?" I ask laughing. Asher joins in and soon we're all laughing together because of this beautiful flower.


After me and Jesse finished burying the capsule at that park I love, we decide to have a sleepover at her house while her mom is out with her new boyfriend.

"Jess, do you have the popcorn!" I yell downstairs. She went to get popcorn twenty minutes ago and still hadn't come back. I assumed she went to the bathroom but when the microwave kept beeping I realized something wasn't right.

I texted Bryan and then walked downstairs slowly. I looked around the room for Jess and then my eyes landed on the counter.

What the fuck? Two popcorn bags that weren't popped were sitting on the counter. Why did the microwave go off then?

Before I could answer a hand covered my mouth and a stinging pain shocked my neck.

I was out before I could scream.

A/N: Jesse and Kylie were kidnapped uh oh
Anyway Bryan is hilarious and Veronica is being a bitch as usual
The time capsule was really cute to me
I hope you enjoyed

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