Chap. 30

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Bryan dropped me off at my parents house after we left the Laser Arena. They apologized for not coming to the hospital and they're now treating me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant.

Things are looking hopeful for us.

"Hi, my name is Jeanine and I'm your server for tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?" A young red head asks.

My dad looks her up and down. "What do you recommend?"

"I'll have a patron margarita with extra patron," My mom says sipping her water. My dad gives her a look but she doesn't respond.

"Yes ma'am. Sir, I recommend a hard apple cider," she says sweetly.

A little too sweet.

"Then I'll have that, Jeanine," My dad says in a low tone.

"I want a tropical smoothie," I mention.

She seems surprised when I speak, like she'd forgotten I was sitting here. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Right away ma'am!"

She scurries back to the kitchen and I roll my eyes at the thought of me and my dad ever going back to how we used to be.

"Problem?" He asks.

"We came here to raise your allowance to fifty thousand a month," My mom blurts.

I cough violently, quickly taking a sip of water. "What?! That's a forty thousand dollar increase!"

My dad glares at my mom and she quickly goes back to drinking her water. "Only if you stop seeing Bryan and return home."

Ahhh! There's the catch.

"I will n-" I start to say but the waitress cuts me off.

She puts the drinks on the table and starts to take our orders. Me and my mother order our usual but when it gets to my dad, he asks the waitress for her recommendation again.

She twirls a piece of her stringy red strands between her fingers and giggles.


"Well we have an amazing seafood platter and I love the melted butter sauce that comes with it. But if you're tired of smelling fish, I recommend a nice juicy steak and I'm sure a man like you could handle one," she says winking.

"Was that a jab at me?" My mom asks.

"What?" Jeanine asks, clearly annoyed my mom interrupted her.

"If you're tired of smelling fish," My mom imitates her squeaky voice.

The waitress scoffs. "A girl like me," she says, pointing to her chest, "doesn't need to take jabs at someone like you."

It happened so fast.

I went from sipping my smoothie to smashing the glass on Jeanine's head. She screamed as blood dripped out of the inch long cut on her forehead.

My blood was boiling at this point. I was tired of all the flirting and the sly comments. How dare my dad flirt with another woman in front of my mom?! And how dare that bitch waitress insult my mom?!

Everyone starts freaking out. The manager runs from the back with a phone in his hand. People are screaming, crying, and taking pictures of the scene.

"The hell are they crying for?" I ask an elderly lady sitting alone, eating her soup. She shrugs and goes back to slowly sipping the steaming broth.

My dad grabs my arm and rushes me out of the restaurant. He throws me onto the sidewalk and shakes his head. His face is beet red and he is spitting every time he opens his mouth.

"We take you out and you make us look bad! Now I'm gonna have to pay for that girl to get her head fixed and people will be putting up articles about me!" He booms.

My mom didn't say a word and it pissed me off since I did all that for her.

"When did you become so weak?" I ask her.

She glares at me and starts walking to the car. Before she gets in, she throws one last jab at me. "I'm not weak, Kylie. I'm just not you and you will never be me."

"I don't want to be."


I ended up calling Bryan to come get me from the restaurant and he wasn't very pleased. He wanted to confront my parents but I didn't want him worried about them.

We have bigger fish to fry.

Once we got back to the hideout, I started sobbing uncontrollably. Everything and everyone is getting to be a lot.

I'm scared but I'm not.


I'm tired but I'm too scared to sleep.


But I'm not scared.


I have to stay strong.


I am strong.


Bryan walks over and cups my face. "Kylie, it's gonna be okay. Okay? Look at me please."

"I-I just want to go to bed," I say, licking the salty tears from the corners of my mouth.

I strip naked and grab my pajamas. As I walk to the bathroom, Bryan never looks away. Usually I would hide my body or feel nervous when he stares. But tonight just feels different.

It feels comfortable.

A/N: Sorry you waited that long for something that short
Blame writers block
Kylie's dad though
Also Kylie and Bryan are cute
Hope you enjoyed
Next chapter will be bigger and hopefully better

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