Chap. 3

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My mom beat her ass.

Meanwhile me and Jesse were packing my dads things.

Why? Because he's trying to get my mom to calm down and we want him gone.

I had to call my dance team and tell them Me and Jess couldn't perform because we had an "emergency". They understood but we're sad because we were all going to hang out after. But things change.

"KYLIE PLEASE STOP!" my dad yelled as I threw his clothes outside.

Jesse looked at me and said "Burn it".

I went inside to find some lighter fluid and matches. My mom was kneeling over the now unconscious woman crying. I feel extremely heartbroken. How could he?!

I get the things I need and head outside and drench his clothes with the fluid and then set a match to it. I don't know why but watching my dad suffer makes me happy.

Very happy.

It's hot outside but the breeze from the wind blows and that's just enough air for me.

I'm going for a run tonight. It's dark outside but I love looking at the moonlight as I run. Maybe I should look at where I'm go-


"What the hell! Watch where you're going idiot!" Bryan yells at me.

"Jeez! I'm sorry I didn't mean it. God I think my nose is bleeding." I say holding my now bleeding nose.

"Well go clean it then. I don't give a fuck." he says as he walks to his car and gets in leaving me on the side of the road.


I thought it would be like the books. Girl goes running then bumps into guy and gets hurt. Then guy takes her home and cleans her wounds and gives her a jacket for some reason. But nope he told me he didn't care and left me.

Screw you wattpad for getting my hopes up.

Sorry if this chapter is short and I took like 3 months to write this chapter.

I'm very busy and I'm moving so it's been crazy.

I don't have an editor so yeah. Grammar won't be good but idgaf.

You know what's happening and I you feel the need to correct me go ahead.

Criticism helps.

Love you soldiers!

-Love Aimee

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