Chap. 16

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"Use regular Tylenol for pain. Kylie you must change the bandage every morning and night." The nurse demands. I nod my head while taking my late pass and walking out with Bryan.

The walk to math was silent and the tension was high. I had no clue what Bryan was thinking but I was thinking about Veronica and her two airhead friends. I needed to get revenge and I needed to do it fast.

I stop immediately as a cruel idea comes to mind. "I need to skip school today. Care to join?" I ask Bryan hopefully.

He shrugs and walks to the exit of the building.
This is going to be marvelous.


"You really need all this? What the hell are you planning on doing?" Bryan asks confused. I bought hair bleach, developer, and bright yellow hair dye. It's payback time for that miserable cow.

I shush him while texting Jesse to meet us in the parking lot. After waiting for an eternity Jesse slides in the backseat looking excited.

"So where you guys taking me?" She says excited. "We aren't taking you anywhere, you are helping us prank Veronica." I say smirking. She jumps giddily in her seat instantly agreeing.

Bryan didn't want to help at first but once I told him I'd buy his lunch everyday he agreed. I got the ingredients out of the trunk and we all headed to our assigned destinations.

Jesse was going to Veronica's gym class to stall their cheer practice, I was going to the girls locker room, and Bryan was guarding the locker room just incase anyone came in.

I pushed the door open slowly making sure no one was there lurking. As soon as I saw it was empty I went straight to Veronica's locker and tried to open it. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath. I forgot that it would be locked.

"Need help Einstein?" Bryan asked smugly. I nodded quickly while moving out of the way so he could get to work.

Thirty seconds of jiggling the lock later he had the locker open and stood proudly in front of me smirking.

"Next time leave the planning to me." Bryan remarked. I rolled my eyes while grabbing her shampoo and conditioner out of the locker. I poured about 1/8 of the shampoo out of the bottle and filled it with bleach powder and developer. I grabbed a pencil from her locker and stirred everything together so that it still lathered a little bit.

Next I took her conditioner, dumped half of it out and then filled it with the hair dye. As I put the products back in her locker I realized that they were very expensive. I laughed at the thought of her freaking out about how expensive it was. I gathered my supplies and left with Bryan. This is going to be amazing.

It's time to go Jess -K

I'm so glad we are doing this to her. She just tripped me and called me a fat bitch. -J

What a bitch -K


30 minutes after our little prank the school parking lot is empty. The only cars left is mine, Bryan's, and Veronica's. Bryan is texting someone on his phone and it looks important. I hope everything is alright because I haven't seen Colton at all today and Asher left early.

"Jess what do you think she will look like?" I asked. She laughed "I think she's gonna look like a mustard bottle got emptied on her head"

Bryan soon joined in laughing when Veronica ran to her car shrieking with a bag poorly covering her hair. The bleach must've only gotten certain spots because she has brown, orange, and yellow patches in her hair.

She locks eyes with me and screams "THIS IS NOT OVER YOU BITCH!! I WILL RUIN YOU!!"

Jess twirls a finger by her ear mouthing 'crazy'.


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Jess decides to sleep over at my place and have a movie night. We decided on Zootopia and Scooby Doo because we love kid movies more than anything.

I grabbed some grapes and headed to my "movie theater". It wasn't really a movie theater, it was a room with a giant tv and a bunch of sofas. It was rarely used by the whole family anymore so I decided make it my own.

I added posters of my favorite movies, artists, and some pictures of me and Jess together. It was my little hideout.

We only got to watch the movie for 30 minutes before Bryan called me. I picked it up while walking to the back of the room.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask and Jesse watches me from a distance. "Come to the hospital and you can bring Jesse if you want." Bryan says sounding angry.

I immediately get worried and walk towards the remote but Jesse is already turning it down. "Why what happened? Are you ok?" I gulped.

"I am but Colton's not." He explained. Fuck.

A/N: Ok so this is the new way I'm ending my books. Bold lol 😂
Anyway I hoped you enjoyed don't forget to vote if you liked it.
Veronica is mad af and poor Colton I wonder what happened.

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