Chapter 17

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Waking up I walked to the bathroom when I looked in the mirror and literally gasped at my appearance, my mascara had smudged from the crying and sleep that I looked like a panda, my tan looked blotchy, and my hair looked like thousands of tiny birds had made home in my hair. No wonder Ashton said I looked horrible.

Quickly I got in the shower and proceeded to scrub my face and wash my hair before taking in the tiny droplets of water beading on my skin from the shower, before getting out and changing into something presentable and comfortable before walking down stairs to have breakfast.

Walking into the dining room, mum was the only one sitting there; she looked up and smiled before saying “good morning sweetie”.

“Good morning mum, where is everyone?” I said looking around the room.

It was 8am and usually everyone is up by now, but this morning it was different, mum and I are early rises as it is so it wasn’t abnormal for the pair of us to be the first ones up, while dad and Macaulay loved to sleep in.

“Well your Grandmother and Grandfather are around somewhere, your dad is possibly showering or has gone back to sleep and don’t get me started on Macaulay” she said taking a sip of her coffee.

“Why what happened to Macaulay?” I asked knowing what happened but wanting to hear what he did.

“well your brother decided to get smashed off his face last night and you know what he is like after he drinks, he decided that the floor of his room was a perfect place to spew his guts up” mum said disgusted in her Son.

“Who cleaned it up?” I asked trying not to laugh at the poor sucker who had to clean it up.

“Well since Miles was meant to keep an eye on him, I made him clean it up as punishment” mum said deadpanned before she started to laugh.

“Oh mum that is gold, how did he take it?” I asked laughing.

“Well he winged and complained that it wasn’t in his job description, before he agreed because I threatened to tell his boss of his lack of attention” she simply said back.

“Serves him right” I said before heading to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

Once I returned to the dining room dad and Macaulay were sitting at the table, dad talking to mum and Macaulay with his head on the table probably getting over his hangover.

I still wasn’t talking to Macaulay after what he did and said last night and obviously it caught on because mum and dad sensed that when I sat the other side of dad and not next to Macaulay like I usually did.

I finished breakfast when dad told me that Grandmother wanted to see me in her office; I got up and headed to Grandmothers office on the other side of the palace. I was walking to her office when Miles walked past me and smiled at me, I ignored him and kept walking, I didn’t get far before Miles yelled out, I turned around and looked at him.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked me.

“Just leave it, I have to be somewhere” I said before turning around and walking off towards the offices. I heard Miles mutter something under his breath as I walked off but just ignored it.

I got to Grandmothers office and knocked on the door before entering like I usually do, Grandmother was sitting at her desk doing some sort of paper work when she look up at me and smiled before gesturing me to take a seat.

I sat down and waited for Grandmother to finish her work before I asked what she needed me for.

“Hello darling, did you have a good time last night? I saw you leave early is everything ok?” she asked me first.

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