Help! A Deleted Scene With A Badass Skater Boy

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Long time no see! I found this deleted scene on my computer and decided against it, just thought I would upload it and see if people liked the added drama to the situation or if they liked the original chapter 17, so please feel free to comment your opinion and favorite this chapter if you like it. Enjoy!


Chapter 17

Bound By Blood

So I spilled, I told Zero everything. I was pleasantly surprised at his reaction though. There was no fist clenching, no gritting of teeth, no huffiness. He just held me tightly while kissing my forehead. At the beginning my voice was broken and my lower lip was quivering, but by the end I was laughing as Zero tickled me.

"So this crazy boy" Zero said as he stopped tickling me. "Thought he could just corner you in a refrigerator room, kiss you, and then you would run away with him and forget everything else? Including your adorable-ass loving boyfriend?" Zero made a fake pout and held his hands to his heart as if he had been shot.

"Yes, I do believe that was the plan until you came and ruined it!" I laughed as he pulled me up so I was sitting in between his spread legs.

"And how did I ruin it? Please do tell" He wrapped his arms around my stomach and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Well for one, you made me fall in love with you, you criminal! Stealing my heart out of the blue like that." I turned my head to press my forehead against his.

"Sorry, but I'm not that generous, I don't think I'll ever be able to give it back." Zero started to rock us from side to side, swaying with an inaudible rhythm that only we could hear.

A knock came at the door and we slowed our movements. Daisuke opened the door and came in. He didn't say anything, just came and sat on the bed. We started to sway again and Daisuke just watched us with a smile on his face.

"He'll be on the next plane home; he is being driven to the airport as we speak." He said calmly.

"Thank you," was all I really could say.

Daisuke leaned over and rested his hand on my head. He rustled my hair a little and we both smiled. He slid his hand to my cheek and gave me something like a pinch but without the pain. He used to do that all the time when I was little. It was his way of saying you're my little angel, and always will be.

"I know you're a bit traumatized right now, but I have something I need to tell you in private." Daisuke said as he took his hand away from my face.

"Okay, Zero could you-" I started to say, but was cut off.

"I would like to talk to you outside, the cherry blossoms are blooming and it's beautiful." He said with glazed eyes, he was obviously distressed.

"Okay," I whispered and jumped off the bed.

We walked through the resort when I saw a girl sitting in the lounge area. She must have been relaxing, getting ready to check in or out. She was Asian, with a layer of short hair and a significantly longer layer that was in two braids. Her eyes were dark and she wore no makeup. She was sitting, but she looked to be around my height, maybe a few inches taller though. She wasn't very largely build, and her legs were small with muscular calves.

The girl's lips parted slightly as she watched me intently. She reminded me of someone, I wasn't sure who though. She was drinking in my sight as I was hers. I don't know why, but it was hard to take my eyes off of her. Her eyes switched between me and Uncle Daisuke, the moment before we got outside.

"Let's sit on the bench over there" Daisuke pointed to a little wooden bench under a cherry blossom tree. Pink pedals were flying everywhere with each gust of wind. Daisuke brushed the pedals off of the bench and we sat down.

"Fran, as you know, I was married once." Daisuke started.

"Mhm I know, you were married and got a divorce a little before I was born." I said matter-of-factly. We had already gone over that.

"I don't know how to really say this any other way but, I have a child." He said, while holding his hand out as a petal landed in his hand.

"How long have you known?" My chest was tight, but the moment was peaceful.

"About two hours. I was coming to talk to you when I heard you with Xavier. All I know is a young girl came up to me and said that I was her father. She is the same age as you, and so beautiful. Her name is Gabrielle; she was born three months before you." He flicked the petal off of his fingers and watched it get lost in the wind.

"Does she speak English?" I said while licking my lips. I was nervous to meet her in a good way.

"Yes, she was born and raised in Connecticut. She was able to find me because her mother passed away about two years ago. It took two years for her to find me."

"Are you excited? I know I am." I smiled. He looked calm but I knew he was going crazy in his head.

"I'm very happy, happier then I can show. I have a thing to ask of you though." He twiddled his thumbs and looked up to the sky.

"Shoot," I said as a few flower petals landed on my lap.

"I need you to take her home to Boston, and have her live with you. She's homeless right now, and I want you to watch over her, get her ready for when school starts, and help her out. Introduce her to your friends, and just let her experience her teenage years. She was taking care of her mom for a long time, and didn't get much of a childhood. Be her friend." Uncle Daisuke put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me through nervous eyes.

"Is that all?" I laughed and he joined in. Daisuke stood up, and waved his hand to someone behind me.

"She is in the doorway. Get acquainted with her, and pack up your bags. I'll get the plane ready." He said as he quickly kissed my forehead and went inside.

"Hey" I said as I walked into the lounge area where the girl was standing.

"Hello" She smiled widely at me. I instantly knew this would be the start of something odd.

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