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(Published: 2/10/17)

Hermione's POV:

I'd tried to follow Harry to his date with Draco, but I'd lost him when I had to hide from Professor Snape.
After that, it's been impossible to find Harry, so I eventually gave up trying and went back to the Gryffindor common room to wait for him. He came back eventually, grinning giddily as he walked into the common room. I don't think Harry saw me, as I was sitting in the corner of the room, and he walked straight up to bed, but I was great full that he hadn't.
As we ate breakfast, he was explaining his date with Draco to me, though not in as much detail as I'd've liked. Still, at least he was telling me something.
I listened intently, hoping he'd tell me something that proved my theory right, not that it was much of a theory anyway, just a feeling. I don't know why- oh, wait, that's right, it's because of Malfoy- but I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Ron, of course, wouldn't listen to me on the matter, and Harry certainly wasn't going to listen to me accuse his boyfriend...
If I could just get someone to help me, but with the boys out, and Ginny still upset with Harry, the only other person I could think of to trust at Hogwarts without getting a teacher involved is Neville. Maybe he could help me make the boys see reason, or at least help me find prof that something's going on.
But how?

~time skip - potions class~

Harry's POV:

I was at the same desk as Draco, brewing a simple sleeping draught, and talking with Draco. Soon, we both fell silent and focused on our potions, though I couldn't help but notice the way his eyebrows creased when he was concentrating. He was so cute!
I, of course, couldn't say this to him, as I'm not suicidal, but at least I could think it!
When Slughorn had come to check our potions, mine was lacking valerian root completely, and wasn't properly boiled, though Draco's was perfect. Just like him.
I smiled at Draco as we walked out of the dungeons.
"What?" He asked.
"Good job on that sleeping draught." I complemented him.
Draco smiled at me, "It wasn't anything special," he replied. "I bet Granger could've made it in our first year."
"Yeah," I said. "But that's Hermione, she doesn't really count."
Draco laughed a little, "Everyone counts." He said.
I didn't know how to respond to that, so we just walked in silence, until we had to split up, me having to go to Charms, and Draco to Transfiguration.
When I got to Charms, Ron and Hermione were arguing about me, and were too busy doing so to notice me staring.
When was Hermione going to give it a rest? If Ron couldn't except Draco and I being together, then that was his problem and I wanted nothing to do with it.
Draco was more important anyway.
I turned my attention away from the fighting to see Neville walking up to me.
"Hi Neville." I greeted him.
Neville nodded his greeting, and took a seat to my left.
"How are you Harry?" He asked.
"Great. You?"
"I'm okay," he said, seeming oddly shy. "My Gran sent me a howler the other day. It was awful."
"What'd she send you a howler for?" I asked.
Neville's cheeks flushed with what I assumed was embarrassment. "Well," he began. "I tried to make a truth potion, but not only did I get caught, but I made it so horribly, that whoever drinks it would probably die."
"Why were you trying to make a truth potion?" I asked. Neville paled.
"What?" I asked. "What is it Neville?"

Quiz time!!!

Q: Who sent Petunia a howler?

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