La Revanche des Trois (Revenge of Three) - Chapter 19

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            Completely baffled, Stefanie exclaimed, "What the hell are you talking about? Conspiring? What enemy?!"

            "Axel Black! He's the enemy!"  She pointed accusingly at the door as if Axel was right outside on the other side. "Don't you know that?! Nick is a petty ass freak who thinks he's going to destroy me." She went over to the door and looked out. "Damn them both. He'll get his though."

            Stefanie could see Nick and Axel talking heatedly about something, but carefully keeping their voices down.

            "What do you mean about Nick getting it in the end? You haven't lost your mind and plan to do something stupid, Jezica, have you?"

            "Stupid or the smartest thing ever and leave him. I may have lost that money I saved up, but I can do bad by myself. Who cares Nick'll find out about the lovers and gifts and affairs."

"What gifts?" Stefanie inquired.

"Cars, houses," she cackled. "I paid off their bills and bought lots and lots of stuff."

"You didn't think Nick was going to ever find out? A car? A house? What were you thinking, Jezica."

Jezica shrugged nonchalantly. "It was all his money anyway. I'll be living okay, while you'll still be consorting with the enemy."

            "How is Axel Black the enemy?"

            "You're not the smartest tool in the shed, Stefanie," Jezica sneered as she closed the door went over to the sink and grabbed some paper towel. Blowing her nose viciously, she said, "Especially when it comes to deceit. They've all been playing you. All of them."

            "Would all of them include me?" she asked.

            Guiltily, Jezica nodded. "I've been using you. Thinking I could possibly get something out of you that Nick couldn't give me." Tears rolled down her eyes and she blew her nose again. "I thought maybe some smarts would actually rub off and I could... accomplish something." She hurled the mucus filled paper at Stefanie's feet. "And you had to go ruin it by getting some balls. Everything was perfect!"

            She was thoroughly confused Jezica's whole demeanor. "Well, I'm sorry I ruined your life, Jezica," she said sarcastically. "But keep in mind you ruined mine first."

            "I know! I know!" Jezica stressed.

            Frustrated with Jezica's horrible attempt to feel sorry, Stefanie asked, "Have you seen or heard from Lauren yet?"

            "No! I haven't heard a thing! I found that son of a bitch Dexter at the bar where we hang out."

            "Has he seen her?"

            "NO!" Jezica exclaimed madly.

            "And the money? Did he know anything about it?"

            Looking fully disappointed, Jezica said, "Of course not. He pretended he didn't know anything about that or where Lauren had gone. But all of them are in cohoots. I learned the truth from his bitch ass mother."

            Stefanie didn't want to care anymore. Walking out, she noticed how Axel and Nick immediately seemed to just stop talking and smile at her as she approached.

            Axel pulled her close to him with a deep look of concern.

            "I'm sorry, Stefanie, about my behavior," Nick apologized looking at her, but then sneaking a more worried look at Axel. "I guess misery likes company."

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