La Revanche des Trois (Revenge of Three) - Chapter 2.1

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Author's Note:  Well all heck has broken loose and I find myself at 3am in the morning thinking about my story, watching Law & Order: Criminal Intent and typing up a storm with Brian McKnight in my ear.  (I’m downloading his new CD Just Me to my phone from Amazon for even more inspiration because I know he’s the only man right now that won’t disappointment.)

Now I know that’s kooky listening to love and romance songs while also watching a show about murder and mayhem, but that’s the life of a suspense romance author.

Author’s Response to the funny butt that emailed me about my writing, grammar and so forth: It’s a live story. Thank you for pointing out what an “elementary writer” I am to discourage me and clearly make me want to stop writing all together. I appreciate your critique of detailing all my childish writing techniques. You’re a true inspiration to those that have actually taken your advice and stopped whatever they are doing. Clearly you have no other things to do with your precious time other than going around ragging on people and the little talent that they have to keep them from their dreams and goals. Can you say dream killer?

La Revanche des Trois is a novel intent on giving you sensual noir.

(Yes, I’m going to be bad, but what did you expect? Lethal’s slightly involved.)


On her drive home as she was getting into her third cigarette, she tried to pinpoint the spot in her life that made her realize her friends were just using her.

            For ten years, Stefanie had accepted the things the way they were. Paying Lauren and Jezica's bar and restaurant tab, doing their schoolwork, helping them cheat on tests, and doing errands for them.

            Maybe it was the call from her accountant, Kenneth Bianchi, about the large sum of money that was never paid back from Lauren a year ago.

            He'd called her two weeks ago as he was getting prepared for an end of the year assessment before he started working on her fiscal tax year. He had started taking care of her books by a recommendation by Treasure earlier this year and he had been the best business decision she has to date.

            Lauren was very upset about Stefanie changing over accountants because Stefanie's first one had come from Lauren's recommendation.

Kenneth's next advice after getting her books in order was to keep her business to herself.

            Not telling Lauren and Jezica her business this past year had really started to unstress Stefanie. There was less explanation; there was less nosiness and most of all borrowing.

            The third thing Kenneth had done was catch her up to date on exactly how much each of her friends had borrowed from her over the last decade. Jezica owed over ten thousand dollars. Most of these loans had come from trips she had asked Stefanie to pay for and shopping excursions Jezica's husband wouldn't pay for.

            The amount didn't bother Stefanie much. The amount was more or less a principal of the matter. This wasn't just a couple of dollars here and there and Stefanie didn't even count the expensive monthly lunch and girl's night out events.

            Lauren was another matter. A year ago, Lauren said she decided to leave her job at a local fashion & style magazine to open up her own design firm. She had initially borrowed five hundred from Jezica's husband and according to the proposal she gave to Stefanie, the bank loaned her ten thousand dollars. For three days she had called Stefanie up and been the nicest she had ever been in their decade old relationship until Stefanie finally loaned her fifty thousand dollars.

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