La Revanche des Trois (The Revenge of Three) Chapter 4

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There was jazz music softly playing a room away, but she couldn’t hear any noise or anyone. Her senses were definitely heightened as she felt every sound escalated and her wariness of her surroundings seemed to envelope every thump of her heartbeat.

            Once the elevators doors closed and she could hear the car move back down, yet still no one came to her.

            After a minute of just standing there, she fidgeted a little bit touching her blindfold in the front and then running her hands to the back to make sure the knot in the back was secure.

            “You obey very well,” a deep voice whispered beside her.

            She gasped startled because she had not heard anyone approach. From the distance of his voice, he was more than arms length close and tall – very tall to the point she craned her neck up. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to calm down and nod in agreement with him unsure what today or do. His hand touched her should gently. She was very aware that his fingers were long and very strong as she seemed to massage her skind down to her hands and then gripped her fingers gently to guide her to follow him. Her steps were hesitant and when she faltered again, he stopped.

            She could hear his breathing and she wondered if he was nervous as her, but she doubted. Her gut was far from ill, but the nervous knot was there.

            “You’re going to trust me?” he asked.

            She remembered those words from Treasure, but this was a stranger. How could she just give her trust over so easily.

            Her brain spoke Treasure’s hand written words, “open your mind and yourself to what lies ahead.”

            “I have no choice, do I?” she asked teasingly.

            “You always have a choice.” His fingers lightly moved down her spine bestowing her body with tingles all over. He moved body her and wrapped one arm around her. “You can always change your mind.”

            His breath to her nape and his lip brushing up against her skin turned those tingles into shudders. She was very glad he was holding her firmly because her legs almost gave out on her.

            It took a moment before she could form words. “I want to do this. I want to feel your need.”

            He pulled her to his body turning her to him and Stefanie knew he was very large. The width of him was rock stolid, wide and he felt so… strong? She couldn’t describe what she couldn’t see. No one had ever given her a sensory experience like this and she was confused, scared, but damn too curious as to what was going to happen next.

            Treasure wouldn’t put her in the hands of a madman, would she?

            And since Treasure clients were all rich. Most likely this man had to have some good looks about him

            But he was shy - That’s what Treasure had said.

            Wherever he had led her, it had to be a different room than where the elevator had let her off. She could smell lavender and something sweet… honey, but she could also smell him. He wore no jacket and his shirt was made of the finest material specifically cut to fit his body … and what a body. Now that she was pressed against him, she could feel a lot more and his body was everything of her imagination - Broad, muscled, hard and taunt.

            Orange and red light flickered and she could feel heat in this room coming from the side of her.

            Wood crackled in that direction and she was curious to see a real fireplace in a hotel room, but the blindfold prevented that.

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