Why you acting like this?

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Picture of Characters on the side (Ezekial Rakim and Harlem) Harlem is changed to -->> ( Justine Skye ) Yeah I know I changed the character but I'll just make he Brittany Sky when she is older.

Okay guys After you read this you guys can send in Questions about this and every other chapter so far. So you can ask every character questions. I've listed all the characters all the way at the end so you know who to ask what. I f you have a watt pad account just inbox me your questions (You could send more than one if you like). If you have a face book and want to ask questions you can make an account with your facebook then inbox me. Well enjoy this chapter guys

He's the king of mixed signals and she's the queen of second thoughts. - Unknown quotes

Being secretly in love with someone is the hardest feeling. You get hurt,you get jealous, you cry and you get broken...but the saddest part is he/she doesn't know about it.



"Your always saying "You're fine." yet you barely say hi or bye anymore." I semi shouted at a very uncooperative Rakim.

He shut his bedroom door maybe because I was getting loud.

"Look I'm not in the mood."

"You haven't been in the mood all month. You act like not friends no more."

"Well are we."

He rebutted with a sort of bored look.

"Yes. Why would you even ask me that you're the one who fell back on me. You were the first person to talk to me when I got to Miami. My first real friend."

He though about his next words like he did'nt want them to be taken out of context.

"Since you met 'Z' you act like a nigga don't exist so I fell back."

"So your Jealous of the time I've been spending with him? You know were kinda dating."

"Man forget it this convo is stupid."

I punched his arm.

"You're stupid."

He pinned me to his wall which scared me. Why did I have to punch him.

"Rakim let me go."

"No. You'll just hit me."

He loosened his grip to assure he meant no harm.

"Don't hit me okay I'm letting you go now."

I nodded as he slowly backed up. When I was free I started collecting my things to leave. Well I TRIED.

He grabbed my arm gently and sat me on his bed. He had his hat i his hand as he rubbed his eyes letting out a sigh of distress.

"Look Harlem I'm sorry for being mean towards you I don't even know why all that hanging out with Ezekial bothered me. You forgive me?"

I though about it and of course I forgave him. My sole purpose of even coming was to make up and mend our friendship.

"Okay but don't you ever pin me to a wall ever again. Or I'll be the one to end our friendship."

"Okay but you punched me pretty hard. I had to restrain yo Kimbo Slice wanna be self."

That was the playful stuff he hadn't been doing that had worried me. Since he's back to his old self I guess I have my friend back.

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