Project Day : (part 2)

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 The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” 

― Albert Einstein


I'm kinda nervous because its not like I really have friends. I'm still waiting for them to realize it was a horrible mistake for them to even befriend me. Yup any moment now.

Two other groups go before its time for Rakim and I. If you haven't predicted ours is in the form of pictures.

We both stood in front of the class side by side.

Mrs.Tulip turned on the Promethean Board. (A/N: its a fancier smart board)

Two pictures popped up. They were baby pictures of me and Rakim. Ironically we both have situation-ally similar pictures.

We both are on some stoops back in Harlem back in the good old days. We're laughing insanely showing off her limited amount of teeth. I think I had three tops. I'm with my mom and he's with his grandmother.

 "We're from Harlem, New York which if you didn't know what borough it was in its Manhattan."

"I was named after this neighborhood at Harlem General Hospital on July 4th, 1997 Yes the Fourth of July. I came out with a bang." (A/N: This is my actual birthday along with one of my readers as well :) )

I smile while resting my head momentarily on Rakim's shoulder. He must have been nervous because i could hear his steady rhythmic heart beat. 

 "Shoot where my Scorpios at?"

Lots of people raised there hands even Mrs.Tulip.

 "Coo coo. I was born in the same Hospital but months before her on November 6th,1996 which means I'm 17 making me a year older than I should be in this grade."

 "I have no siblings and you know what that means? MORE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!"

A plethora of Christmas pictures appeared on the screen me and Rakim looked ecstatic in our separate pictures.

 "Growing up without our Father's means that I am essentially a mamas boy and Harlem is a mamas girl. That's a first huh?"

A picture of us hugging our moms and apparently our moms are fine cause all the guys went to hollering.

 "Dang Harlem you ain't tell me your mom was looking that fine shoot I might have to let go of Mrs.Tulip."

" Let me call Mrs.Brooks and see now she feels about your statement."  

She says successfully shutting up Yavin. He still ended up mumbling something.

"We have common interest for example; we both love graffiti but only Rakim really knows how to do it right. Here are some of his works. One of which is on a wall in my bedroom." 

A collage popped up and one bye one each picture would maximize for full view there were many including my eyes, and my name.

"This one I can't take full credit for me an Harlem did this together. Also I've been doing graffiti since I was like 10 years old."

 "This is a picture of my large collection of vintage sunglasses. I enjoy vintage clothing' dressing' and I absolutely adore photography. I actually took all of these recent photos myself. The other ones are the ones I took back in Harlem. Now you know why i always have this little beauty around my neck like I'm the paparazzi."

The class was in a state of awe as they commented on the fashion and my collection of sunglasses.

"I've been drawing since I was about 6, and long story short when I was 8 I took a graffiti class and by 10 I didn't need to be taught any more."

"As you can also see we have some differences like I have freckles like Emika except mines are lighter than I am and Rakim has a tattoo."

"My Tattoo says "Prometheus Bound".

 "Ouu Rakim would you like to explain the meaning behind it because I know it but I'm not sure your peers do"

"I know about it I uh read about it before."

" I'm glad my students are so intelligent. Go on Rakim."

"Sure well this all ties back to Greek mythology. Prometheus is on of the original titans who created humans and for that he was noble. Prometheus means "Foresight" seing before hand. He was always thinking ahead to the future like tomorrow , next week, or next year as apposed to his brother Epimethius. His curiosity would always get the best of him and often get him in trouble. Anyways One day he thought about the humans and how they would have to deal with the winter like the beast that roamed the land. He decided to teach and give the humans the gift of fire so they could keep warm cook and build homes. This angered Zeus the all powerful GOD. For this he was punished hard. His punishment was to be bound to a stone and to have a eagle come and straight tear out his liver and eat it only to have it replenish and have it happen again everyday. Basically even though Prometheus knew there would be some risk but never strayed from his motivation and good intentions. I'd like to think I'm the same. "Prometheus Bound" comes from the author of "Frankenstein" I cant really remember her name but I can relate to that curiosity my art skills to new heights." He explained.

I didn't know Rakim knew this particular story. I mean I don't think he is dumb but that's just something you don't expect from a boy as popular as him. To have knowledge of something that we would be taught in English 4 which we would be taking next school year. I only knew it myself because I was studying Greek mythology and all things that angered Zeus.

" Well Rakim Her Name Is Mary Shelly. I'm very proud that you know that. See class it pays to read and by the way thats a very meaningful tattoo you got there I like it. Where is it by the way?" Mrs. Tulips asked.

Rakim takes off his jacket and holds up his arms like he is showing off hiss muscles. He does have have some nice looking muscles though when you look at him. On the inner part of his upper arm was 'Prometheus" of one arm and "Bound" on the other.

We bowed to signal that we were done and then took our seats. The whole class started clapping and saying ours may have been the best some kids even were willing to pay for a photoshoot with me. The day came and went with little significance. At the end of the day I got an A+ , hung out with my new friends and now I was reading a book how I usually spent my days. Then my phone flooded with goodnight text and The one that made me smile was Jeremy's and its not that I like him.

Jeremy: You see not everywhere you go people are ignorant and rude. Your amking real friends dont second guess this kindness they show you its genuine and it may not be my place to say but tou and Rakim sould stop playing around and acting like you guys arent meant for each other. GOODNIGHT :)

I couldnt even tell myself why I was happy at this.


Please comment and Please Vote and also go back to the Last chapter to see Dexter and Harlem is on the side.

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