2\\Cold Waffles

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"Phoebe, honey, I know you desperately want to take that job in London but you can't. Think of all the things you're leaving behind. I know you tell me all about you visiting but I can't let you throw your life into this when you haven't even turned 20 yet."

"You don't want me wasting my life in London only to come crawling back to you. Well, even if I go and take the job in London, if I fail; I won't be coming back here."

The air around them filled with a thick, invisible layer of disappointment and annoyance. Phoebe knew she was in the wrong; all she wanted to do was prove her "father" was making a mistake trying to change her mind. But how can she prove him wrong when she isn't given a chance too?

He loved Phoebe, deep down. Even though he doesn't show it often, she's always been the one person in his mind, besides his beloved wife. Day-in-Day-out, he tried to show his affection and fatherly love towards her but she doesn't want any of it. Leon left when she was very young and came back unexpectedly. Phoebe's survived without fatherly love in the most stressful years of her life, what makes Leon think she needs all his love now?

Leon's hand ended up running through his hair in frustration. He couldn't see why she wasn't agreeing to his terms, she's only 18 and she thinks she can pack up and leave. "Darling, I know this job is everything you've ever wanted; a career in art, designing; but I can give you that."

Phoebe's mouth let out a scoff as her arms folded over her chest in disgust. She couldn't understand why Leon wasn't letting her go. He let her sister, Krissy, go abroad and now look at her. She's a model for vogue magazine and he's as proud as punch. "I don't want to work for your stupid company, Leon. I'm not some stupid kid that's going to rely on her parents business to make money. I'm smart enough to find a job on my own."

"I'm not saying you're not smart enough, Phoebe. I'm saying that I don't want you travelling abroad and being in limbo. Yes, I let your sister Krissy go, but she had a boyfriend that if anything happened, she could rely on him."

"So, what you're saying is, if I was to get a boyfriend, I would be able to travel abroad? What kind of stupid rule is that?" Phoebe's patience with her father is slowly decreasing, the more he tried to reason with her, the more she wanted to tell him to shove it up his ass. Phoebe's temper has been getting harder to control, especially after the last year's events.

"Not exactly, Krissy's boyfriend was actually moving with her; whereas, if you were to go and get one, they have to do the exact same as Krissy's to qualify."

With Phoebe's pot almost boiling over, she couldn't understand his "rules", she was 18; old enough to move out without Leon telling her not too; old enough to make her own decisions. Why was Leon being so strict when he was all for Krissy leaving at the age of 17, two days out from her 18th birthday? To this day, she still hasn't visited us. "That's a bloody pathetic rule and you know that. You never had any of these rules for Krissy and she wasn't even 18 yet!"

"Krissy went through college and found her dream job overseas, how could you stop her from following what she wanted to do?"

After that shocking revelation, Phoebe's mind started to see a bit clearer. The reason he was so reluctant to let Phoebe follow her dreams was because he had let Krissy follow hers. As long as one of his beloved children have followed their dreams, he obviously doesn't care about Phoebe's. It was all becoming crystal clear, Krissy was his favourite child. A gasp left Phoebe's mouth as Leon looked at her with a confused look on his face. "I went through college and I've found my dream job overseas, why can't I follow her pathways? And you wonder why I never am going to call you that dreaded word."

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