Chapter 11-The Night visit

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                    *Adan's P.O.V*

  I aim but I'm careful not to hit Janise then I let go the arrow it hits infront of her I look and see Peter is impressed with my archer skills.I look back and see Janise is picking up the arrow she looks around the heads for a building.“How do we get in,"I ask,“I got prints of the place we'll get in I'm sure,"he says.

  After Peter signals me to go I look back at inferno the huge camp the girls are held in.

  Once we made it to his house I see Maria playing around with the Ipad I brought I pat her head slightly and help her she seems confused using it.“Hey Maria look how I do it,"I sit down and let her sit next to me I select a game and show her how to play,“Wow thanks Adan,"she says giving me a big hug,“No problem,"I say getting up.I walk into my room and grab my bag I open it and grab myself a pair of clothes then I get a different pouch I made from the tiger's skin I put my clothes in I tie the pouch so no clothes would fall out and I head out the window.I run through the forest and see the waterfall from where I got attracted from the tiger I undress except for my boxers and jump into the water the cold water feels fresh on my skin.I dive and head back up brushing my hair.While I swim my mind jumps to Isac how has he been after seeing the girls I need to find him and free him.

  After I'm done I walk out and grab a towel I dry myself off and switch to the other pair of clothes I don't feel exposed since I've traied for a few days I see a lot of muscle in my body I see that I changed.Once I get dressed I see that the sun is setting so I rush towards Peter's house.I make it through the front door and see him planning it out.“Look Adan at night they seem to put less guards on the left wing so when we get close arrows only no gun but we can use knives but cover their mouth.We enter I'll take their uniform while you have to look different to see that you are a prisoner.I'll take out the guard to your friends room and you have a lot of time because my boys will take the place of dead guards.We set out on midnight."I go upstairs and open the closet I grab my bow and a few arrows and I also grab a pistol incase we get into a fire fight.I look and see my clothes that were from the escape all covered in blood that will never disappear.I put it on and grab my knife I make a few cuts on my cheek and make a bruise on my face.The pain doesn't seem to hurt since I'm reaper raised now.

  I see the moon rising and everyone is in location I aim at the guards head and release the arrow hits his head and I run to the wall one of Peter's boys set the lader and I climb over the it.I see two guards see me but I'm not scared I see a tall muscular one and a tiny weak one I see the small one get hit with a arrow right through his skull when I hid my bow on my back and crack my nuckles.The big guy runs to me but I jump over him he trips over the dead guy I land on him I throw a powerful punch towards his face and I see his jaw disconect and blood falls out of his mouth.I grab my knife and plunge it into his throat killing him.Peter crosses the wall and spits on the guy I killed,“Never liked him,"he says,“Follow me."We head down stairs and see five guards we hide before they notice us,“Okay I get three you.get two,"I say he nods and I grab my bow I shoot one of the guards head and me and Peter burst out.We're back to back fighting four guys I head toward one and block his hit toward my chest I grab his arm and make him to his kness the other guy dashes behind me and locks my arms I hit my head back and break his nose I grab the guy I pinned and stab his neck.I look at the other one and cover his mouth I smash my knfie through his head letting the blood splatter out.We walk through a large corridor and we see a guard up ahead.I throw my knife and kill him I walk towards him and rip my knife out of his head,“Wait here while I take his uniform,"he says dragging the body to the room across.I look inside the room he was guarding and my heart feels amazed I see all the girls asleep I try to open the door but it's locked.Of course it's always locked.I see Peter walk out in the uniform tossing the key at me,“Here talk to your friends while I find mine,"he says he wasn't sticking to the plan before I can say something I see one of his guys coming.“Okay be careful my friend,"I say I unlock the door and head in.

                   *Janise's P.O.V*

  I hear the door open I get up and tears go down my eyes I dash towards Adan and give him a hug.“Wow I didn't know I was missed this much,"he says patting my back everyone wakes up hearing his voice I look around and see a lot of surprised faces,“Adan,"Sara says getting out of her bed.“Yeah I'm not dead I survived,"he says.I wipe my tears and break away from him I look at Sara having a confused look,“Look I know everyone here was told a lie about me by Jack but soon we'll all get out of here,"he says,“Are you hurt,"Veronica says putting her hand on his face,“No but a actor has to look the part,"he says cleaning the blood off his cheek.“How come your here where's Ulysses,"Stephanie says Adan looks down and says,“At the place they held us in I stood up for someone they beat me,"he said everyone covered their mouths including me.“Ulyssies saved me but we couldn't go back for Isac he was still at the room surrounded by too many guards for me and Ulysses to take.Once we were out of the camp he got shot.........through the neck.I tried to help him but he died Jack said for me to run through the forest and see if I survive.I was trapped at a bridge and they broke it I fell into the water with rocks that's when someone saved me,"he said,“Who did,"Veronica asked he walk toward her and moved his hands around her hips and said,“A guy at the celebration that told me this would happen.I didn't believe him until I saw two guys with machetes going towards Janise."

  “Adan you look different what happend,"I say as I noticed he is covered with blood,“A boy my age named Peter taught me and showed me how to kill and hunt-" the door opens we see a guard Adan doesn't seem alarmed and he doesn't hurt him but talk to him,“Hey Pete did you find him," he says I look at him in a confused look so does everyone else,“Yes he's here,"

                   *Sara's P.O.V*

  I look who enters the door and notice Nate walks through he looks at me and gives me a smile that makes me blush.“So this is Adan he looks taller than what I expected,"he says,“How do you know my name,"he says,“Well I heard about you through Peter he said your very skilled,"he says.“Everyone this is Nate,"Peter says I look and see Nates eyes dart at me and he starts heading toward me,“I never forgotten you Sara,"he says brushing my cheek I look at his deep brown eyes and say,“N-niether did I,"I say I can't believe I stuttered infront of him.

  “Okay tonight goes as planned but we add something to it,"Peter says looking at all of us,“We each take one person out of here but we're doing this for Adan alright Nate,"he says,“I got it I choose Sara,"Nate says grabbing my waist and hugging me.“I got her,"he says pointing at Jackie Adan stands there and then he says,“I got Veronica,"I look at her and see that she's heading toward him.“But I also take Janise we can't seperate two sisters,"he says,“Let tonight be a escape,"

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