Chapter 9-Training

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  I wake up and I look around to see I'm in a room on a bed but it isn't a camp I look and see a knife on a counter.I pick it up and see a cursive “A" on it I look to see a hooded man standing at the door I quickly hid the knife behind my back.He starts walking towards me and I grip on the knife I quickly get out of bed and he pushes we to the floor and I notice he has a machete pressed on my throat.“I see you will try to take my life just know I will also take yours,"He says removing his hood I don't seem to know him but his voice sounds familiar,“I am Peter if you remember about the celebration that got you captured,"he says.

  My mind flashes back to that night and how the jet blew up and hearing a voice before I blacked out saying,“I'm sorry,"I look to see where I got shot I see a bandage that doesn't seem to have a lot of blood on it.“Are you ready for your training,"Peter says throwing my luggage at me,“What training,"I ask.

  I open my luggage and see my Ipad,Camera,and lots of my clothes tossed around in there,“Where did you get this,"I say,“When your plane blew up your stuff was left there I got other bags but not all,"He says looking down.

  We head out the house and I see a village but it was in the jungle,“Everyone this is Adan the one who escaped Jacks camp,"he says shouting.Everyone cheers and Peter tosses me a gun,“Here follow me."

  I look in the jungle and see it's beauty all full of life,“Here you will find plants some to heal you when your hurt,"he says,“You need to get animals for food some people will be in your debt,"I look around and cut green plants that have a lot of leaves and I see a few hogs they seem to have huge teeth I look and see that Peter left so I pull out the knife from my pocket and hide my gun to my back and hid in bushes I get close to 3 warthogs and I throw a rock towards a tree across from me and they get startled the warthogs start running towards me I jump out and stab one in it's head all of it's blood gushed all over my neck and my shirt.I aim the knife and stab it's stomach and slice it open I take all of the insides out and put it in a pouch Peter gave me I climb a tree and rest on its branch I see another warthog eating berries from a bush.I grab my gun and aim to the warthogs head I take a deep breath and pull the trigger.I ended up hitting its throat but it wasn't a instant kill.I jump off the branch getting my knife out and smash the blade on its head I quickly skin it and I feel something push me off my feet I turn and see it's a huge warthog on top of me the knife falls out of my hand when he throws me off balance I grab my gun and shoot its head lots of blood splatter on my face and I shove the animal off whipeing the blood from my eyes.

  I carry the meat and notice the sun is down and it's already night I see a white light and I walk towards it when I move the bushes over I see a huge waterfall.The moon was out.It was very bright so it made the water very clear I could hear the sound of the water falling it looked so beautiful. I put my hands in the cold, clear water and clean my face getting the blood off my face I see my reflection off the water and see what I have become I didn't hate the change but I liked it the way murdering animals fills my energy and makes my mind clear.I get up and I hear a growl I turn and see it's a tiger.The cat jumps on me and bites my arm the blood flows down but I don't feel a lot of the pain I adapted to getting hurt so I feel half the pain.I grip the tigers teath and snap its neck I see as the tiger falls to the floor,“I win kitty,"I say pulling out a knife and stabbing the stomach of the tiger.I grab its teeth and rip one tooth out from its mouth and I put it in my pocket.

  I start walking again but I hear a car near me I hid in bushes I see guards driving through and they stop and look around.“Do you think he's alive,"one of them asks,“No it's impossible he feel off with the bridge and died by the rocks at the bottom." “The people say they saw him covered in blood,"I grab a rock and throw it but one of the guards notice,“LOOK,"I jump out and start shooting I kill two but the last one shoots back and hits my shoulder.I pull out my knife and throw it I see as the knife hits the man's head and he falls to the floor I walk up to him and rip my knife out of his head.I head to their car and drive off.

  I drive to the village and head into Peter's house and I see him he tosses me a syringe,“Cut the tip of the plants and squeeze the juice out and hit this in your arm it will heal you,"I do as he says and I stab the syringe in my arm it actually worked,“Now get your knife and stab the bullet out,"he says pointing at my bloody arm.I take a deep breath and stab my knife in my shoulder I get the bullet out and it didn't hurt,"Peter stays in his living room clapping as he sees the blood on my clothes.“You did good tomorrow we're going to visit your friends,"

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