Chapter 10-The Arrow

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   I wake up rubbing my eyes and see Peter disappeared.I look at my knife and notice a lot of blood has dried on it I head over and pick it up I turn and walk towards the restroom I get the water in the sink running I look as the blood flows down into the sink I keep cleaning it until I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

   I grab my knife and get ready whoever it is this person isn't stealthy.I hide behind the side that the door covers when it opens slowly I wait till the door covers me.I close the door and head towards the intruder I knock the person to the floor and my heart drops when I find out who it is."Adan!,"Maria says getting up and hugging me I look and see the door open and Peter standing there,"Maria how did you escape,"I ask her and she points to Peter,"I got her out I notice how much you did for her,"he says.Maria didn't seem upset when I pushed her to the floor and I see she is still wearing my hoodie when I stood up for her in the camp."I need to talk to you,"Peter says leaving the room with a big bag I lead Maria to my bed and set her down,"Wait here you'll be safe,"I say tucking her in,"Don't leave the house okay and if your hungry go look in the fridge and if you hear anyone hide in the closet I'll knock 4 times so you know its me okay,"I say she nods and I kiss her forehead and leave and follow Peter.

   “This village is called freedom,"he says looking around,"Legends says a hero will come and set us free from all of this here we have work to do,"he says tossing me a bow and a few arrows,"Peter you think I'm the one to save everyone,"I ask."I believe in you I saw that you were the only one to escape.and there was another before you but he isn't the hero he didn't have all the hope you had to save your friends," he says."Who else escaped,"I ask,"I did but I was at inferno and my friend helped me he got me out but no one knew I was helped when I was in the wild I wasn't trained my father found me so I trained and I wanted to save everyone until the reapers found me they are a rebellion that is soon to battle but they need a leader a hero that you are,"he says I don't say anything until we start going,"Follow me."He starts running towards a tree and then he wall climbs it I do the same but slower and I almost loose my grip.

   I follow him and for a long time we reach the edge of the island and we're on a cliff looking down the water,"Dive in,"Peter says moving his hands toward the edge.I look down I was never afraid of heights but the bottom of the cliff were a lot of rocks,"Have you done this before,"I ask he nods and I take a deep breath and run toward the edge I jump off and look down toward the ocean the wind going through my hair makes my mind jump to Veronica her blue eye and amazing voice goes through my mind.When I hit the water I feel as if all about me is refreshed and when I get my head from above the water I see Peter dive and hit the water making a huge splash,"Follow me,"he says diving down into the water I do the same but I open my eyes and see a lot of life under the water.He swims through a hole through the rocks and I follow him I see light and we head toward it we breach up and I see we're in a cave that is only able to enter through water and I get amazed of what I see,"Does that even work,"I ask admiring the wonderful machine,"This still works with a few repairs it will help you your friends get home,"says Peter.

                  *Janise's P.O.V*

   I wake up rubbing my eyes I look around and see I'm the first one up I lost my bags and so did everyone else.The only clothes we got were from people who tried to escape,died from disease,or died getting beaten up.My mind instantly shifts toward Adan,Ulysses,and Isac and how they are doing what did Jack meant when he was saying 'Adan and Ulysses well they-' I push the memories away and decide I need to find answers I head toward the door and look out.I don't see anyone I start to head back to my bed and I see Sara wake up,"Janise,"she says rubbing her eyes,"Whats up,"I say sitting on my bed and being careful that I don't wake Jackie,"Remember when Jack said something about Ulysses and Adan,"she says looking down."Yeah what happened,"I ask,"Well.......he said they tried to escape and he let them but...,"She stops,"What happened,"I say in a louder tone,"Jack said they left the island and they left us here to rot!"she says screaming I don't reply instead I look at the floor feeling tears going down my face.I know Adan or Ulysses would leave us everyone wakes up hearing what Sara just said my hair covers my eyes so no one sees how I feel,"VERONICA STOP,"I look and see Nanda,Stephanie,and Jackie stopping Veronica from getting close to Sara,"Adan wouldn't leave me,"Veronica says I look and she has tears in her eyes I know Adan wouldn't leave us he's someone who wouldn't leave anything or anyone behind so would Ulysses.

   “Worker,"says a guard I wipe the tears and head towards the door.

   I walk into the field and start digging I look around trying to find Jack and ask him what really happened.I dig for a while and Jack walks up to me,"I see you were looking for me,"he says with a smirk on his face,"What actually happened to the Adan and Ulysses,"I ask in a serious voice,"Oh I see Sara told you,"he says smiling,"You really want to know that badly what happened to them,"he says laughing,"Okay Ulysses and Adan actually tried to escape I saw them so I shut the one who I hated most first and let the other try to run through the forest and survive.We trapped him on a bridge so I cut the rope and he's dead in a river by the rocks no one could survive that,"He says still laughing.

   I start to walk away and tears fall down my face Adan's dead and so is Ulysses I don't head back to the room but then something happens I see a arrow with a note on it hit the floor in front of me.First I get startled then I look around then I pick it up none of the guards notice I turn around and see that Jack disappeared I pick up the arrow and read the note 'break the arrow' I do as it says but I head towards the restroom.I lock myself in on of the clean stalls and look at the note in the arrow.

Dear Janise,

I know when you read this you think I'm dead don't listen to Jack he's trying to mess with your head.I'm alive and going to help you and the others out of this hell hole I escaped but......Ulysses he..........didn't make it I tried to help him but it was no use Jack killed him .When he comes to talk to you make sure you hide this arrow and the letter he can't know that I'm alive.Tonight I'm going to see if I can see you and the girls there are things I need to give you and don't show anyone this letter I want to surprise them and my cousin Isac isn't forgotten he's alive but I don't know how he is the last time I saw him he was terribly hurt but I didn't leave him behind during the escape.I couldn't go back to the building they held him in.It was surrounded by a lot of guards but he should be okay I can't wait to see everyone we'll all get out of here I promise.



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