Chapter 9

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Chapter 9  

It always takes just one moment for you to see everything--everything that was to happen in a lifetime. Whether that moment be a picture, a song, a sound, a kiss, you'll see something.

I just saw mine.

In that second my lips touched Zero's, I saw my entire life--whenever it may be. I saw the relationship, the break up, the make up, and the end. The end was the end of the title "me and Zero"

I really liked him. 

And yet maybe "like" isn't enough to last a lifetime. Lifetime is what I'm looking for, isn't it?

"Just because." Was all I could come up with. That wasn't it. I was looking for that spark that Leo didn't have. This time it was close.

Not close enough. Not nearly close enough.

I could only watch and listen subliminally as Zero and I continued to walk down the lane that seemed to be covered with trees. The sun seemed to gleam through the edges of the branches, leaving patterns of broken light all over our feet. The air became still, subtle.

"So where is this surprise you told me about?" I smiled.

Zero laughed, his golden hair catching the light as his head moved in certain ways. "You'll see it in a bit." 

After a couple of more steps, Zero pointed to the largest tree out of the bunch beside us.

"A tree?" I chuckled.

"Trees are special, too." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, really?" I tilted my head to the side. "How so?"

Zero moved closer to the tree. He looked at it for a bit then reached upward.  

"They're very useful for hiding things." He pulled down an acoustic guitar.

"Ha, wow!" I laughed. "What if someone had stolen that?"

"Well, then this whole thing would have been spoiled, and I would have lost my favorite guitar." He smirked as he sat down at the edge of the tree.

I took the place in front of him and watched as he began to strum this acoustic guitar of his. Zero's fingers moved rhythmically across the strings.

When he had finished his song, He smiled. 

I smiled. He then sigh. 

" What's wrong." I asked. 

"You don't like me as much as I like you."

"How would you know?"

He shrugged, "Musician's intuition."

I laughed, "Never heard that one before.. Is it as accurate as Woman's intuition?"

"You tell me." Zero's eyes pierced mine.

Confession time.

I sighed, "You're right."

" eh, Its okay... I didn't feel any spark"

I pushed his shoulder with a smile, and then said " you're not playing fair!"

"you just broke my heart. You owe me." he said with a laugh.

I Walked home again. I think I prefer to walk home after these dates. It helps me clear my mind--flush everything out and take in some new air. It's refreshing and much needed.

It was only a little after eight. I thought about going to Ake's. Very tough decision considering that he said his door would always be open after each date.

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