Chapter 2

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Chapter 2  

"Mo, psst, wake up! Check this out." Ake shook me until my resistance caved.

I woke up to the light shining on my face and my head on a very soft pillow. I sat up and looked at Ake, "What am I looking at?"


It was only now that I noticed the bowl of cherries and the pile of seeds in Ake's lap.

I watched as he popped one of the stems in his mouth. "Uh, what are you doing?"

He held up his index finger, signaling me to wait.  

"Mm. Mmhmm." He pulled the stem out of his mouth with a knot in the very center of it.  


I laughed, "You knotted a cherry stem. In your mouth."

He nodded, "That means I'm a good kisser." He stuck his tongue out at me.  

"Be jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?" I folded my arms across my chest. "I can do that."

"Is that a challenge?" Ake fake gasped.

"Maybe it is." I grabbed one of the cherries with a long stem and studied it. After pulling off the cherry part and throwing it to the side, I faced him, "First one to tie a knot buys lunch at In-N-Out. Deal?"

"You're on, Lockwood." 

"Bring it, Parker ."

"Okay, we'll start at the same time."  

He pulled off another cherry stem.  

"Ready, steady, GO!"

We both threw the stems into our mouths and tried to tie a knot. The second I felt that my knot was secure I pulled it out. Not even milliseconds later did Ake pull out his.

"I win." I smiled.

"Do not! Look yours is off-center--"

"We never said anything about position!"

"Well, it's the principle of the thing." Ake rolled his eyes.

"Yea, well loo"So?!"

"Mine is secure! Mine so wins!"

"Does not!"

"Does so!"

"Alright here. I'll pay for your food, you pay for mine, and we'll just agree that our kissing skills are equally perfect."

I giggled, "Whatever floats your boat, Akie." 

Ake rolled his eyes and tossed his cherry stem on the floor.  

"We should get you back home." He moved a stray strand of hair out of my face. "Devon didn't even come home last night, so I should get him, too."

I groaned and fell back on his pillow,  

"Noooo.. I don't wanna go back to that house of hormones!" 

Ake laughed at me. I felt his body lay down beside mine, "Relax, Mo. It'll be fine. Seven weeks will be over before you know it." He put his hand on my arm.  

"And if it makes you feel better, my door will be open after every date."

I flipped around to face him and smiled, "You're the best." I kissed his nose then stood up.  

"Come on, let's get your brother." I held out my hand.

He smirked and we ran back to my house.

It wasn't really a surprise when we saw Rain making breakfast and Devon right beside her. They always woke up first regardless of whatever they did last night.

Did I mention they both had sex hair?

"Nice of you to join us." Rain laughed.

"Oh, ha ha, nice hair." I grabbed a banana out of the basket of fruit we keep by the sink.

She rolled her eyes.  

"Ah-ah! I need that." She snatched the banana out of my hand and cut it, letting them fall into the pan of pancake batter.

"Ak, what're you doing here?" Devon asked.

"I walked Mo home."

"It's like ten houses away."

"Point being?"

Rain and I snickered as the two brothers argued resulting in Devon having Ake in a headlock. 

"Hey, hey, break it up." I put one hand on Devon and one hand on Ake with a slight laugh.

"So Mo, are you ready for your date tonight?" Devon asked me.

"It's tonight?!" My jaw dropped.

"I didn't tell you that?" Rain said from across the room.

"Uh, NO." I collapsed on one of the couches.

Ake sat beside me. I laid my head down in his lap.

"Do I really have to do this?"

"Yea, you do." Rain flipped one of the pancakes.  

"Kate's pick is up first. You are going to meet him tonight at six by the pier." 

"I don't know how to get to the pier-

"I'll give you a ride." Ake said.  

At the Mall......

"Nooooo," Mo whined to Kate as she dragged her through Macy's.  

"Do I really have to?"

Kate rolled her eyes, "Oh, grow up. We're buying a dress and getting you a make-over. It's not that bad."

"Oh, yes, it is!" I tore my hand away from her. 

"Do you realize what can happen?! They might--uh--they could put foundation on me that I'm allergic to. Or--or! Or they can accidentally pull out all my eyelashes."

"Where the hell did you hear that?" She looked at me like I was insane.

"What? Casey at school said that she was curling her eyebrows and accidentally stepped on her cat and pulled out her eyebrows."

"That's so.." Kate shook her head.  

"Disturbing. Now hush up, you're making it seem like you're the younger one in the family." 

"Isn't that a good thing for you?"

"Ugh, just shut up!" She grabbed some dressed off a rack and pushed me into a dressing room.  

"No talking 'till you come outside with one of those dresses on!!"

I stepped out of the dressing room a couple minutes later wearing a long red dress with beaded lace.  

"Okay, Kat, I'm going to the beach, not hosting a fucking game show." 

Kate laughed, "Whoops. That wasn't supposed to be there."

"Thanks for the warning." I folded my arms across the lace.

"Whatever try this one on?" She said as she  pushed me back in the dressing room with another dress.

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