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**Damens pov**

"Well isn't that just great"

Everyone looked at me but I just sighed,
This wasn't good. At all.
If Klaus finds out that Saige is here there's no telling what he'll do.

I sat back down on the couch and put on a trying smile.

"Guys should get ready, we're all on Saige watch."

Tyler sat forward, glancing at Saiges empty face.
"Damen what's going on?"

I put my hands together and looked at him.
"well fido you see, if a witch gets pregnant by a transitioning vampire, yes the baby is forming inside of her, but unless fed Vampire blood, will be still born, you know born dead. So technically the blood fed to the child as a fetus is the blood that turned them"

Stephen sighed,
"Meaning Saige could be sired to Klaus.."

I nodded,
"I'm betting on it."

Bonnie stood up,
"We have to hide Saige, and keep her safe. If we don't I cant imagine the things Klaus would make her do if he found her."

"I'm afriad you're right"
I sighed as we all turned to see Elijah standing in the doorway.

He turned his head to Saige and smiled,
"Its nice to finally meet you Saige, I'm Elijah. Klaus's brother."

Stephen and I jumped up infront of Saige, I never had a big probelm with the older Mikaelson brother but if he laid a hand on Saige id rip his heart out in a second.

He laughed and started walking closer to us,
"don't worry, I have no intention to harm her."
Tyler stood with us and I laughed,
"Its not you I'm worried about."

The original played with his sleave and grinned.
"I give you my word, no harm will come to the girl."

Elena looked at Saige and nodded.
"Saige, you can trust him"

I gave her an angered look, id tell off Elena later, think shed learn from the last time he gave her his word.
He clapped his hands and smiled at us.
He walked closer until he was directly infront of Stephen, Tyler, and I.

"If she wouldn't mind, can I take Saige somewhere to talk?"

I laughed and took a one step closer to the original.
Saige coughed,
"Damen, move please."
I looked back at her, shock clear on my face, she smiled tryingly at me then looked at Elijah.

"He said he wouldn't hurt me, I believe him."
She stood and walked to Elijah and stood infringe of him.

"So where are you taking me Mr.Mikaelson?"

**Saiges pov**

Elijah smiled at me and put my arm in his,

I smiled kindly at him
"Lead the way."
Guilt filled my body when I saw the betrayed looks on the boys faces. But Elijah wouldn't want to speak with me unless it was something important.

When we got outside he wrapped an arm around my waist and vamped us to my current home.

"Any reason you brought me to Lockwood mansion?"

He smiled and sat down on a bench,
"Because its not safe for you to stay here."

I sat down beside him in, shock plain on my face.
"What do you mean?"
"Klaus knows where Tyler lives, Tyler is sired to Klaus. Its more then likely that he will come here and ask Tyler to let him stay here. Tyler wont be able to refuse."

I sighed and pulled my hair from its bun and let it fall on my shoulders so I could twist a small strain of hair to calm my nerves. I laughed sliently at myself, this childhood habit of mine cant be good for my hair.

"So i'll stay with Elena or Damen and Stehpen."
He nodded, then looked at me sadly.
"But then your boyfriend is still an issue."

I raised my left eyebrow at him,
"What do you mean?"
He put his arm behind me on the bench and crossed his legs.

"For the time being I don't think Tyler should be around you. Klaus knows you're here, he's kept track of you over the years. All he has to do is ask Tyler where you are. And then he has you."

"Tyler wouldn-"
"He wouldn't have a choice Saige, I gave you my word. If anything happens to you because of Tyler it will be my fault."

"So what you're telling me is I cant be around my boyfriend?"

He gave me a sad look then nodded,
Anger filled my body, hunger filled my chest. I stood and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?"
"Well if we are to finish this conversation, I'm going to need a few drinks."
When I let the original into the manison he grinned as I got us both a glass with bourbon.
"aren't you a little too young to drink"
I let the liquid burn my throat,
"Bite me"

"Sorry I'm afriad thats your job"
I sent him a smirk and sat my glass down,

"So, I can't be around Tyler."
He shook his head,
"I won't allow it."
I nodded,
"What if I declined your offer?"
He grinned and sat down in the chair infront of me,
"I still wouldn't allow it."
I sighed and sat on the arm of the chair Elijah was in.

"This wont make a healthy relationship."
He shook his head,
"Ill have to break up with him wont I?"
"It would be for the best."

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed again.
"Fine, but I'm afraid ill need a few more drinks."

After I had a good few drinks Elijah walked me upstairs to gater my things, I still wasn't happy about all this. I mean, this had been my home for a while now.
But its just for the time being, when all this is over and if Tyler and I still have feelings for eachother things will work out.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Damen,
S-"Damen can you come and get me? I'm at Tyler's."
D-"yeah ill be right there, what happened?"
S-"ill explain after you get here just, just don't tell Tyler anything okay?"
D-"Saige why?"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair,

S-"because I asked you not to Damen."

He was silent for a second,

D-"ill be there soon, be ready."

I hung up and placed the corner of my phone on my lips,
"Hes going to hate me.."
Elijah turned to face me
"Saige, if Tyler understands why, he cant hate you. If he truly cares, he'll want you safe."

I sighed and looked up at him,
"I'm not saying he'll hate me cause of that. He'll hate me for telling Damen before him."

He nodded and walked over to me, handed over my bag of things.
"Then I would just make sure that Tyler doesn't bite Damen." He started walking to the door when he stopped,
"They can be pretty nasty"

I nodded and started to follow the original.
But my mind was somewhere else, my heart was hurting, but I had too much alcohol in my system to show it.
I didn't want to leave Tyler, and I'm not scared of Elijah, but I would be scared of what he'd do to "keep me safe" if I continued to see Tyler.

I heard a car pull up so I grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the shelf and started to the door with Elijah close to me.
"Again I'm sorry things had to be this way."
I scoffed and smiled,
"don't worry, Saige Lockwood didn't sound to good anyway"

I made it too the front door to see Damens blue car. And Tyler in the passanger seat.


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