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**Saies pov**

Kinda wish Tyler told me how huge his house was,

Cause I was in shock.

The dark haired boy showed me up stairs to my room, and I smiled all the way. The only house ive ever been to even close to this size was the Boarding house.

"Hey Tyler?"

He looked over his shoulder at me with a small grin,


I smiled and walked closer to him,

"Thanks for letting me stay here."

He laughed alittle, then stood and started walking closer to me.

"You don't have to thank me..."

My left eyebrow raised at him, and he just smiled.

"I don't know how to explain it, but...I feel protective over you. Like I need to keep you safe."

I didn't realize how close he was until now..

Our faces were inches apart,
Our noses almost touching.

Shivers ran down my spin.

I knew what he was meaning, ever since he got here I felt drawn to him...
I just don't know why.

His hand came upand slowly touched my cheek, heat rose in my stomach and I looked down at the ground.

"I know what you mean...I've felt the same....its just gotten worse since know.."

I suddenly look up at him, his eyes watched my every move.

I felt myself melt from the dark haired boys gaze.


Our lips were almost touching.
This was too much for me,
Goosebumps covered my arms.

I nodded and then he just backed up,
I felt cold when he did,
But that was probably good.

The very last thing I need right now is more feelings.

He started to walk out of the room when he stopped and turned to me.

"Sleep good saige, ill see you in the morning."

He shut the door slowly, and then I was alone.
The feeling was cold, my hand reached up and held Damens mothers necklace.

The pendent felt comforting...something that wad real, in this world full of fantasy.

**Damens pov**

"Damen, come on!"
My eyes watched the dark haired girl wave toward me, a smirk crossed my face as she got closer and grabbed my hand.

Her green eyes were bright, she smiled at me like she had never seen an evil.

Her arms wrapped around me and I felt warm inside...I never wanted to leave.

Stephen's voice echoed through my ears, and my eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Sweet dreams?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, I didn't have the patience to deal with this "new" Stephen today,
I had to meet Bonnie and Elena at the grill to discuss my plan to make Saige not hate me.

As I walked into the grill I instantly found Bonnie and Elena sitting in a booth near the pool-table.


I sat beside Bonnie, and across from Elena.
Bonnie looked hostile, and Elena looked stressed...
Whatever their fight was about it will have to wait till after all this "saige being mad at me" stuff is over.

Elena sighed and leaned over the table.

"So why excatly did you ask me to come?"

Bonnie sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I thought you'd be able to help us figure out a way to get Saige to forgive Damen."

Elena tucked a strain of hair behind her ear and looked at me.

"Well any ideas?"

She thought for a second then she smiled slightly.
"Would she like a party?"

A grin spread across my face,
"I'm sure she would. But you know what she would like ever more?"

Bonnie looked at me smiling,
"What would she like Damen?"

"I think we should have her a welcome home where she could get to know and meet everyone. So she could get used to her new home."

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