chasing cars

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**Saiges pov**

My eyes shut closed like heavy blinds and I grabbed onto Damen,

"I promise you, if this kills me, im gonna haunt your eturnal ass"

He smirked and wrapped his arms around me,
"Just keep your eyes closed and take deep breaths, trust me it will take three seconds to get to the ground"

I open my eyes and look up at him, I nod before closeing my eyes again. And as soon as I did I felt my feet leave the ground and my stomach dropped

**Damens pov**
My arm felt warm as soon as Saiges hand grabbed onto it. She trusted me, which was one has trusted me in a long time. I press her closer to me before jumping. I vamped to the ground as fast as i could but Saige still held onto me tighter like she was scared to fall.I laughed and held her at the shoulders when we were on the ground and attempted to get her to open her eyes.
"Saige, you can open your eyes now. We're on the ground"

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, she grinned really big then started to laugh, then she hugged me. I jumped alittle at first then returned her hug, my arms slowly wrapped around her. I could feel her heat, she felt so warm and open, and something about her seemed how she felt when I carried her out of the woods...

Saige pulled away then turned around,

"So which car is yours?"

I laughed and pointed at my baby,

"The blue one"
She grinned and started to walk to my car and got in the passanger seat, I vamped to the car and got in the driver side, and as soon as I got into the car Saige was all over the radio.

"Nonononono, can't we just spend the car ride in sweet meaningful conversation?" I asked, faking an innocent smile.

She laughed and continued flipping through stations.

"Damen, from what ive seen and heard about you, conversations with you that are sweet and meaningful happen very rarely. So I think ill stick with music right now."

A laugh escaped my throat and I looked at her one more time before starting the car.

**carolines pov**

"You sure shes safe being with Damen alone?"
Elena gave me a look trying to get me to shut up but I couldn't help it, cause what if Damen does to her what he did to me? I wanted to make friends, not watch Stephen let Damen make her dinner.

Stephen sighed and placed his hand over his forehead.

"Caroline, its fine. Trust me, Damen wont hurt her if he can help it."

I rolled my eyes, why is he taking up for Damen! I saw the way he acted everytime Damen said Saige's name,it doesnt take a genius to know somethings up.

"Well can I at least go up there and make sure he wont eat her?"

Elena laughed,

"I mean, you could but that may be a little hard considering they're not here anymore"

I raised my eyebrows, heat raised to my face.

**saiges pov**

I felt Damens eyes watch me as I turn the stations,I needed something to listen to, to get my mind off the feeling I had when he held me. I wasnt supposed to feel that way about him, especially since I just met him. When I hit the last station my eyes lit up as I turned it up a lot, so much I feared it would bust Damens ears.

Damen looked at my with a scrunched up face,
"You like this song?"
I grinned and started to dance,

"Um yes!"
I laughed and him and began to sing along to my favorite part,

"You, look as good as the day I met you
I forgot just why I left you,
I was insaine.
Stay, and play that blink-182 song that we beat to death in tusaw I'm okay."

I grinned at Damen, his grey eyes locked on my green ones for a second, and then of course since its Damen, he had to ruin the moment with a wink.

"I know it breaks your heat
Moved to the city in a broke down car and,
Four years no calls,
Now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar.
And i-i-i cant stop
No i-i-i cant stop"

I heard Damen laugh but tried to pay him no mind, this was too much fun, but I know at some point he'll use this against me.

"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover
That I know you cant afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner of that mattress that you stole
From your roommate back Dover
We ain't ever getting older"

The song ended, a small sigh escaped my lips as I leaned down in my seat, I missed car rides with Lexie....we'd always do the funniest things...

"What are you thinking about?"
I snapped back to now and looked in Damens concerned eyes,

"The past..."

He smiled and placed a hand on my thigh in a kind way,

"Well lets try and think about the preasnt, okay? We don't need anymore Elenas bringing us down"

"Anymore Elenas?"

I raised an eyebrow at him but all he did was laugh,
"You know? Depressed teenager always thinking of the past and all the "what ifs"

It was then I laughed and looked up at him, heat spread around where his hand touched my leg, this feeling happened way to often when he touched me, it wasn't good, but I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want him to stop.

Damen pulled up to a large brightly colored store and looked over at me,

"Ready to do some shopping"

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