lowkey crush

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**saiges pov**
I watched as Damen left the room, I couldn't help but smile.
He saved me...
No one had ever dome anything like that before, the only person that ever showed me this much kindness was Lexie...and that turned out terrible. Pulling the blankets closer to me I grinned,
I have a new start.

**authors note
DISCLAIMER  incase you reconized it from the show. From here on ill be adding in some qoutes from the show to make it sound more like them.

**Stephens pov**

I watched as bonnie, Elena, and Caroline cleaned up with the help of Matt and Jermey. But I was still trying to process what happened, everything went down so quick and the last thing I know Damen takes Saige upstairs. Leaning in the doorway watching the stairs, I quickly sit up when I see Damen quckily walking down the stairs.
"Me. You. Living room. Now."
Damen put his hands up in surrender and followed after me ti the couch.
"Explain to me how you knew what to do Damen. Explain ti me what happened."
He sighed and sat down across from me.
"A few years ago I stumbled across a vampire feeding, but the person he was feeding from was a young pregnant witch. So I pulled the vampire off and ripped out his heart of course."
I nodded,
"Of course"
"When the witch looked back at me she went to thank me when her water broke. So I stayed and helped her with the process. But after the baby was born, when she held her for the first time her smile turned into a look of discust, of hatred and she tried to hand the baby to me. Turned out see had a fling with a transtioning vampire 9 months before.  herbaby was one of the first Heritics. The mother wanted ti kill the child, she said it was time to end its suffering. But at this stage in my young vampire life I still hand a heart. And i couldn't let her kill the baby. So I brought her to a witch who said she knew how to raise the baby safely. And she told me very carfully how to care for one. How to make sure the don't die during the transition."
I took in his information and leaned back.
"What do you mean by transition? Shes still human?"
He stood up quickly and rubbed his forehead.
"She was human Stephen. She had no powers or anything. That part was a spell to supress her powers while she was younger. But when they turn 16 all the blood cravings from the previous years come back at once, and the same way how you must die with vampird blood in your sistum to be able to come back as a vampire. Is the same for her, she had to drink the blood of a witch and a vampire in order to become who she is. And now if she dies between now and her 18th birthday shell come back as a full Heritic. But if she doesn't on her 18th birthday her body will start to shut down, causeing her to die anyway. So she can become her true self,"

"So what is she now Damen?"
"Right now shes just has limited abilities. Her witch side is still being surpresed. She has some limited vampire abilities that i could guess, comes with her hunger."
I stood joining him.
"Like what?"
"She has speed, and probably streanght while she feeds. That's all I can tell of right now."
I walked over to the desk and pulled out Damens letter from Lexie and hand it to him.

"Here, Saige brought one for both of us."
He nodded and took the letter shoving it in his back pocket,
"Ill read it later, right now I need to go make sure that little witch isn't hogging my bed."
What the fuck does he mean by that, then it hit me. Before he could leave I grab his jacket.
"Damen, watch yourself around Saige. She may be beautiful but don't forget shevwas raised by Lexie, and I highly doubt Lexie told her good things about you."
Damen smirked again, FOR LIKE THE SIXTH TIME IN THE LAST TEN MINUTE'S and dusted his shoulders off.
"Well good thing I saved her life then huh? That has to earn me some browine points"
And thats the last thing he wisdom before running up stairs.

**Damens pov**
I laughed as I opened my door and saw Saige wrapped up in my bed. Her chest slowly raising and falling with every breath was a art, on of the beauty's of still having a heart beat I guess. I take this opertunity to actaully look at her and make sure shes okay, I mean the blood she drank would have healed her but I could never be too safe. I looked at her face, fully looked at her face and if I had any my breath would have caught in my throat. She was beautiful, she had soft and delicate features, long slick black hair, and soft pink lips. I laughed alittle as her lips curved into a smile.

"You know its kinda werid to watch someone sleep."

"Its not because I'm a vampire is it?"
She laughed and opened her eyes.

"No of course not, its just creepy period."
I smirked and walked over ti my dresser and started to dig through my clothes.

"In every twilight  movie that Edward guy watchs that bella girl sleep. And most girls think its romantic."

Shes coughed and shrugged,
"He had possession issues anyway".
I laughed at that and threw her one of my longer shirts.

"Here, until we can get you some clothes thatll fit you can where this to sleep in."
She looked down at my shirt, and picked it up.

I got a pair of black sweatpants and a T-shirt out for me and began to take my shirt off when I heard Saige.


I made a face and nodded,
"This is my room, if you don't wanna watch and enjoy the show just go into the bathroom and change."
She nodded and made her way over to the bathroom, I couldn't help but laugh.

After getting dresses I lay down on my bed and wait for Saige to get done.

The bathroom door slowly opened and Saiged walked out,

"I swear on your life if you do anything innaproprite I'm gonna beat your ass the tell Stephen so he can too"
I grinned and pulled the blankets over for her,
"I promise I'm not going to try anything, cause it may be a little embarrassing  to explain that a girl gave me a black eye."

She got under the covers and smiled,
"Good night Damen"
I grinned and turned around
"Good night Saige"

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