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**Stehpens pov**
It was starting to get dark outside, where could Damen be? Was it so hard?

Take her shopping,
Get her some clothes,
Bring her back before it got too dark.


**Damens pov**

Saige shiffted in her seat, she was being extra quiet sense we left the store....

I pushed my worry for her out of my head and drove a little faster, we needed to be there before sundown.

The cars roar silenced as I took out the key,

Saige had feel asleep, her black hair had simple strains in her face, she looks so...innocent, I guess I could say, when she sleeps.

"Saige"  I pushed the hair out of her face and placed my hand on her should attempting to wake her up.

Her eyes started to open and a grin spread across my face.

"Saige wake up, I wanna show you something."

She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes,

"Where are we?"
"Just trust me"
"That doesn't sound like a good idea"
A laugh escaped from my lips as I stepped out of my car, shortly after Saige joined me with an unamused look on her face.

Grabbing her hand I take her to the railing that separated us from the water.

The sun was starting to go down, beautiful colors began to fill the sky,
I looked over to see Saige wide eyed.

A huge smile spread across her face and she looked over at me.

"Damen this is beautiful.."

A smirk crossed my face as I pulled Saige to me,

She was so close our eyelashes seemed to only be cenemeaters apart.

I heard her heart begin to race, and watched as her face turned red.

"Almost as beautiful as me?"
Saiges eyes shut and she began to laugh, and I mean laugh.
When she finished she grabbed her stomach,

"Damen, only you could ruin that moment"

I was about to say something when my phone went off,
A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I checked my phone.

And as I expected,

D-"hello brother"
S-"its after sundown Damen"
D-"I know, I know. We're on our way home now,"
S-"you better be Damen"

Hanging up the phone I watched Saige with longing eyes,

She looked so happy,
So at peace.
She wasn't even paying any attention to me,
She was just looking at the stars,
And it was the most beautiful thing ive seen in a while.

I didn't wanna make her leave...but I had to...

"Saige, come on it time to go"

She looked at me all smiley, Saige stood and walked over to me.

"Thank you"
The small girl wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. Heat filled my body as I hugged her back, my stomach did at least 10 flips and then it all stopped and she pulled away.

"Lets go, I need some sleep."

**Saiges pov**

I pulled away from Damen..and I instantly felt cold...but it was best...if I held him any longer I was scared what I would do or say....I couldn't scare Damen away,

-time skip-

Damen parked the car and looked around with a questioning face.


He looked at me and smirked,

"Well it could either be utterly nothing, or something deadly. So I suggest you walk your percky little self into the house and wait for me."

I raised an eyebrow, does he really think he can talk to me like that?

"You are so gonna pay for that comment later"
He lifted my right handto his lips and kissed it, winking at me.

"Oh I do plain on it."

Laughing I get out of the car, I get a out three feet away from the door before it swings open and I come face to face with Stephen.

I give him a weak smile and nod and walk into the house.

I didn't know how to explain how I felt about Stephen, he seemed like big brother to me.

"So did you have fun?"
I laughed and sat down on the couch,

"Yeah actually, you know Stephen, your brother isn't as bad as everyone thinks he know that right?"

He grinned at me before turning to the door,
He mumbled something under his breath,
"If only you knew..."
Those words spun around my he'd for a second before he opened the door.

"Ill go see if Damen needs any help with your stuff"

I sent him a nod then laughed,
"Of course it would take two vampires to bring in two bags."

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