family items

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I had my phone on shuffle just letting my random ass music play, and I couldn't help but smile at the last song that played as I was getting out. The song why'd you only ever call me when you high? By Aritic Monkeys played, and i got out singing along to the chorus,

"Now its three in morning,
And I'm trying to change your mind,
Left you multiple missed calls,
And to my message you repliled,
why'd you only call me when your high?"
I put on damens shirt and put my wet hair into a bun, grabbing my Phone I walked into Damens room, still singing along to the song.

As I stepped out I heard slight laughter, I turned around to see a smirking Damen holding a pile of clothes. I instantly stop singing and turn my music off.

"Please don't stop on my account"
He said innocently, I shrugged and let a blush hit my face. He walked over ti me and handed me the pile of clothes.

"Here, these might fit. they'll have to do for today at least." I smile at him, at least he brought me clothes. And hes taking me shopping soon, that ALMOST makes up for crashing my little party. I take the clothes and change into them. Bonnie had grabbed a reddish purple shirt, and a pair of black leggings with with arrows all over them. I walk out of the bathroom talking my hair out if its bun and letting my wet black waves be free. Damen looked at me with a grin, he stood up and walked over to me,

"You should leave your hair like this for the day, it looks cute."
I grinned and walk toward his dresser, looking at myself in his mirror.
"Works for me, I'm too lazy too do anything else to it anyway."

He laughed and watched me, thinking I couldn't see him through the mirror.

His eyes filled with something, I just couldnt tell you what...he had this way of seeing things, making me wonder how I was one of the things he managed to see. Running my hand along the wooden edge of his dresser I looked with aw at the amazing wood work. It was then when I noticed a hand carved jewelry box, it looked extremely old, and it had the initials L.S on the top. I let my fingers run across the letters,I felt Damen walk behind me, him watching as I examined the box. I look up at him, nit realizing how close his was until now, he let his hand wonder over top of mine that was on the box.

"Whos box was this?" I ask him quietly, too scared that if I do or say anything that he'd move. His eyes feel to the box as a small grin apeered on his face.

"It used to belong to my mother...Lily Salvatore."

A breath caught in my throat as he moved even closer, he pulled me toward him so that our chests where touching, I felt my face turn bright red, and my stomach turn in knots.

He grinned at my response, and slowly leaned down, I was scared that he would kiss me. I didn't know why, but I also kinda wanted him too...

He grinned and released me before things got too out of hand, and walked over to the jewelry box, he picked it up and handed it to me.

"If you find anything you like don't be to shy to wear it,"
I grin and opened the jewelry box in aw as I looked at all the beautiful necklaces and bracelets.
"Thank you Damen."
He smiled and sat on the bed,
"don't mention it to stephen though, he gets all tearing eyed and turns into a kindergardener when you bring up our mother."

Finding a necklace I liked the most I walked over to Damen to have him put it on me.
Damen laughed as he moved my hair from my neck slowly,

"Do you know that most vampires would consider this teasing? You know getting them close to their favorite place to feed"

I ignore his comment and sigh,

"Damen what happened to your mom?"

He stopped grinning and finished clasping the necklace, putting my hair back over my neck.

"She died when Stephen and I were kids, she was took by a plague that took out thousands..."

I felt instantly bad, I didnt wanna make him relive that...
I slowly move my hand up to Damens face and give him a sorry look.

"Damen...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
He smiled and grabbed my hand, and held it in his.

"No its okay, trust me."
I smiled and pulled him toward the door,
"Well now that we've had a few awkward conversations I believe its time for you to make yourself at home" I just smiled and walked away it's going to take me awhile to get Damen figured out.

Time skip to three days later

"So are we ever going shopping?"
Damen grinned and pulled me up to him, his eyes locked on mine. he slowly put a finger up to his lips and pointed at his ears.

"You wanna talk alittle lower, I told Caroline we changed our plans so she wouldn't want to tag along. So we gotta be sneaky"

I laugh and look up at him,
"What's so bad about Caroline?"

He rolled his eyes, grabbing my hand he walked me over toward a window.

"Trust me, if Caroline comes it'll be an endless cycle of "you sure you wanna get that? It makes you look fat" "oh...yeah its cute I guess" and my favorite "ohhh that'll look better on me" do ya catch my drift?"

I laugh some more and look out the window,
"Okay I guess it is best that's she doesn't come, but how do you expect to leave without her seeing us?"

"Its simple really, we cant go out the door because no matter where we say we're going to go shell wanna come, mostly because she wants to be your best friend. So we'll have to go the only safest way possible."

"And what's that Mr.Salvatore?"
He smirked and grabbed my hand,
"The window"

need me (TVD fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum