burn after reading

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**Stephan's pov**
My eyes looked the girl infront of me up and down, she seemed sad with bringing the name up. I tried my best to hide any saddness from my face and held the letters in my hand tigher.
"I have a few people to I will have to call over as long as thats okay with you."
She just gave me a small nod and slowly walked into the house, I watched her closely for the obvious reason, to tell right away if she was a vampire or not. A small grin appeared on her face after she crossed the threshhold and she turned to look away.
"You don't have to worry Stephan, I'm not a vampire...at least not yet."
A confused look crossed my face as I watched the small girl take a seat on the couch.
"What does that mean?"
"Read the letters, everythings explained there."
All i could do was nod, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and sent a group text

Meet up at my place, something....strange has happened.

Everyone replied saying they'd be here shortly, so I took the chance to examine the letters. One had my name written on it, the other with damens. I take mine, and laying down on the couch across from Saiges I began to read.

Dear steph,
So if you're reading this it means I didn't make it to tell you myself, which kind of sucks but you're strong Stephan, so I know however it amy have been that I died you maybe it through ti read this. So by you getting this, you've also met my prescious Saige. I arranged to have her sent to you for special reasons. One being I trust you, and two being your alcoholic of brother is the only one now that can help her.
Shes different Stephen, shes special.
Shes what a long time ago they call an Heritic, shes half witch, and half vampire. As of right now, shes the only of her kind. Fun thing is shes different from the others, there has only been one other recorded case like hers. Steph, shes not a vampire yet. She wasn't turned, she was born. Her mother was a witch, and her father was a transitioning vampire who wanted to spend the reminder of his human life with the love of his life. Shes an anonomly! But sadly her mother passed away,then I found her. I tried to search for her father but I had no luck, so she was officially mine. I had a great time raising her, but Stephan I don't..I didn't know how to make sure she survived...but Damen does. All I know is that right after she turns 16 shell start ti have the cravings for blood. And if she doesn't drink, shell be gone for good. But she doesn't have to just drink regualr blood. I must be blood mixed of human, vampire, and witch. To smother some of her powers I had a witch cast a spell on her, after she feeds her Witch side will be muffled, and could only be reactivated by a ceremony much like Klaus's hybrid one. Please take care of my baby stephan and make sure Damen keeps her healthy...her diet isn't usual.
Yours, always,

I grinned at the ending of her letter and folded it up slightly, turning to Saige I noticed she was quite breathe taking. She had jet black hair that lay curled over her shoulders, and a slim figure with curves. her eyes seemed to be a mint shade, she was hands down very beautiful, but behind those mimt eyes I could see built up saddness, and pain.

"So are you going to say something? Or continue to stare at me?"
I laughed a little and was about to respond when there was a knock on the door.
"Hold that thought,"
She grinned slightly as I stood and made my way to the door. Opening it I sighed and laughed alittle bit. Everyone was already outside ready for the news. Well almost everyone, Damen, and Jermey weren't here yet. I held the door open as Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Caroline, and Ric walk in. Elena walks up to me with an awkward look "so what the emergency Stephen?"
I smiled and pointed to the couch.
"Meet Saige"
Caroline whipsered something to Bonnie as Ric spoke up"um...Steph, no ones there."
I look over to see her gone, shock hit my face.
"God dammit!!  Everyone spilt up, we  gotta find her"

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