Leo - Torn in two...

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Dedicated to @DiePeople34 who kind of (along with the feels...) pushed me to write. Ha, Uncle Rick! I can do cliffhangers to! Only...not as good (bad?) as yours.

Well... this will be a nightmare. Really. Jason is an idiot. Piper is emotional. McShizzle can't fix humans... Who needs comfort first..? Piper.

He walked across the hall to Pipe's room and knocked. No answer.

He didn't think Jason ever came up so he went down. Jason was sitting on the couch with BBC on. It was Doctor Who! He wasn't really watching it, though...darn. It wouldn't be moral to plop down and watch the ninth doctor find the last dalek. Rose save it...snap out of it! Your best friends just broke up...not awkward at all.

"Hey, man, I...you shouldn't have done that. You played her like a Valdezinator. So not cool."

"Please stop joking around and making me feel bad. Just do something else. Anything else. Watch one of your favorite tv shows ever. Someone should enjoy it. I know I can't...everything, literally EVERYTHING reminds me of her!"

Probably not good to ask which her he's talking about...

"I...are you okay?"


"But you're the one who cheated."

"I know! Why do you guys act like I don't know what I did?!"

"I guess...we don't understand. We thought you loved Pipes."

"I do."

"Is it posible to love two people at once?"

"I don't know...with Piper I feel a deep connection, a bond. I was just kissing her-"


"-but with Reyna it was passion, curiosity, mysteriousness. Not lust but...definitely strong physical attraction. I don't know why I-"

"Made out with her while ripping Piper's heart to shreds?"

"Thanks a lot." Leo could tell he was lightening up.

"Have you seen this episode?"

"Huh? No."

"Netflix and hulu got rid of it...but we have Amazon Prime. Thanks the gods for Amazon!"

"Or the Amazons."


He knew his bro needes some serious heart mending (binge watching and binge eating...preferably at the same time.)

They made it to where suicide was commited...if you watched Season 1 lately you'd understand. If not...no spoilers! I'm not the devil...oh, the memories...

Suddenly, along with many thumps Percy screamed from upstairs.

"PERCY!" Annabeth screamed.

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