Schedules- Third person

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Everyone compared schedules alphabetically, by last name. Annabeth suggested the order.

Annabeth Chase | Locker #1256 | Grade #12

1- History with Mr. Matthews

2- Science with Ms. Tanneraeumo

3- English with Mr. Blofis

4- Math with Mrs. Allanes

5- Lunch

6- Gym with Mr. Hedge

7- College Credit Plus Greek with Mr. Bruner

8- College Credit Plus Latin with Mr. Bruner

9- College Credit Plus Mythology with Mr. Bruner

10- College Credit Plus Architecture with Ms. Nunne

"Paul?!" Percy asked excitedly.
"Coach?" Asked Leo sounding like he regretted getting up this morning.
"Chiron!" Annabeth said like a little girl seeing her daddy for the first time all day when he gets off work.

Nico di Angleo | Locker #0944 | Grade #09

1- English with Mr. Blofis

2- History with Mr. Matthews

3- Math with Mrs. Allanes

4- Science with Ms. Tanneraeumo

5- Lunch

6- Gym with Mr. Hedge

7- College Credit Plus Greek with Mr. Bruner

8- College Credit Plus Latin with Mr. Bruner

9- College Credit Plus Mythology with Mr. Bruner

10- Study Hall with Mr. Hedge

No one spoke but Annabeth wrote his schedule down. When Percy looked at her gray notebook then stared at her with hurt showing clear as crystal, she said, "I need to write this down for emergencies. I will copy everyone's schedules and give them to everyone tonight."

Calypso Fluar | Locker #1183 | Grade #11

1- Science with Ms. Tanneraeumo

2- Math with Mrs. Allanes

3- History with Mr. Matthews

4- English with Mr. Blofis

5- Lunch

6- Choir with Mrs. Stoksa

7- College Credit Plus Greek with Mr. Bruner

8- College Credit Plus Latin with Mr. Bruner

9- College Credit Plus Mythology with Mr. Bruner

10- College Credit Plus Singing Course 4 with Mrs. Stoksa

"Flare? Like fire?" Leo asked.
"F-L-U-A-R but the concept is the same." She said before handing the schedule to Annabeth.

Jason Grace | Locker #1178 | Grade #11

1- Math with Mrs. Allanes

2- English with Mr. Blofis

3- Science with Ms. Tanneraeumo

4- History with Mr. Matthews

5- Lunch

6- Gym with Mr. Hedge

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