Calypso-New Room

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Bold is Artemis, she and Calypso are friends. xoxo|percabethshipper
She went in the wooden door with Calypso engraved in silver. Artemis face timed her and she accepted. She heard Piper scream.
"Aphrodite will never learn," she said chuckling.
It was Ogygia. With an exit. It was perfect, beautiful.
We thought you'd like it.
"I love it!"
She saw a desk and walked over. There was a dPhone 2 and a case with hers and Leo's first kiss. There were new school supplies. She put the case on the phone, and walked to the left door on the opposite wall.
She walked in and there was a walk-in closet. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses on a pedestal that said Aphrodite's Recommendations.
She saw on a hook there was a set of keys with four keys on it. One said Garage. One said House. One said Training Room. The other said Car.
We thought you should have your own car. I picked yours out.
"I hope I'll like it."
You will.
There was a touchscreen panel where you could choose an outfit. Either by choosing clothes or choosing a mood/type of outfit with ideas.
She walked out, putting her sunglasses on. Keys in hand, she walked to where Leo was and they kissed briefly.
"Who face timed you?" he asked.
"Artemis, you need to see my room! It's Ogygia!"
"That's cool."

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