Hazel - First day dismay

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     After the embarrassing moment the teacher, Ms. Tannerahmuh or something, started talking about Pangea and the Lithosphere. She was droning on while Hazel kept notes and heard snickers from the other students. She saw a few girls point at her and whisper. Soon they started talking about other kids. She then heard something about getting her hair done after school. One talked about how fat she was. Another spoke of how lucky Ayana was. They didn't get caught but they were really loud.

"Oh, my gawsh, I so want to be Ayana."

"She is so pretty!"

"I love her hair!"

"Her clothes always match."

"She's so going to get asked out by Percy."

"Percy is so cute!" Her voice went up.

"Right! He's so hawt! If they had kids-"

"They'd be beautiful!"

"So true."

"Did you hear?"


"He was snogging a girl in the hall..." They gasped, "...In front of her."

"Lucky! Who was it?"

"A new girl. She's pretty."

"I wanna be her."

Hazel turned around to face them, "Will you shut up? She has a name. It's Annabeth. She's my friend. Percy to. If you want to kiss him be my guest. Annabeth will kill you and I won't have to hear your gossip!"

"Have you kissed him?"

Hazel glanced at Frank who rolled his eyes, "Of course not. I have a boyfriend." She said, blushing.

They laughed and one asked, "So? Besides, you're blushing!"

"She so kissed him!"

"Why her?"

"I bet he kissed them all. Would he kiss me?"

"Who wouldn't? Would the blonde fall for me?"

"He has glasses! Total no! Don't think about nerds like that!"

"I hear nerds will let you-"

"Ms. Levesque! See me after class! Now, who came up with the idea of Pangea?"

Hazel was confused. It's true? I thought he was a lunatic. "Alfred Wegner. People thought he was crazy though." Wasn't he?

"Yes, very good...now, what was he missing in his reasoning?" she just wouldn't stop.

"Proof. Why believe him without proof?" Other students rolled their eyes and some whispered, "Suck-up." Others muttered, "Know-It-All."

"What was the proof?" Hazel couldn't answer, causing Ms. Tanneraeumo to smile, "Sea-floor spreading." The bell rang as students raced out the door. "Ms. Levesque, come see me." Looking at Frank she said, "Go on to class. She'll only be a minute." He looked at Hazel, silently asking, 'Is that alright?' She nodded and he left her for Ms. Tanneraeumo to prey on. "Ms. Levesque, this is a warning. Next time you disrupt my class you will have a thirty minute detention after school. No exceptions. I expect you to behave better from now on." Looking at the clock she snapped, "Get to class or you'll be late. Don't even ask for a pass. It's your own fault for being so distracting. Get!"

Hazel silently walked out of the room where Frank was. He looked at her and asked, "What's wrong? What'd she say? Are you okay?" Gods, he's sweet.

"Nothing, she blamed the girls talking on me and threatened a detention. I'm fine though." Hazel said, wanting to get out of school already.

"You sure it's okay?" he asked, obviously worried.

"Frank, I'm fine. Let's just get to lunch." She brushed him off and they stopped by their lockers.

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