Part 19//Part 2

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Sonic's POV:

"Really?" I said in shock. "Yep." She smiled. I blushed at her remark, but she quickly end the silence.

"I'll just go to the bathroom, okay?" Amy said. She left and I was alone, until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my back to see nothing, so I continued to practice by memorizing the lyrics...not minding the footsteps. I then heard the footsteps again... this time..walking more nearer to me, I then got up and I started to walk away...

A hand then covered my mouth quickly, making me scream. I think some teachers heard us because the person who was covering my mouth force me to walk back in the darkness quickly. I wasn't scared, but the thought that there is a person covering your mouth is alarming.

"Do you remember me, Sonic?" A deep voice ask. I soon realized that it was the one who was covering my mouth, "Who are you, what are you doing to me??" I ask but was replaced with muffled noises.

"I just got a little surprise for you." The voice said. I then heard a bottle crack, and just before I knew it.....


Amy's POV:

I went out the bathroom, to see a huge crowd dancing on the middle of the gym. As I make my way through the stage, I suddenly heard small scream making me worried. It must be coming from the backstage where Sonic was waiting. I quickly ran there, to see......

"Sonic?" I called out. He wasn't here and I can see the lyrics scattered around the floor. I was worried, where is he?

I saw a man fixing up the lights at the corner, "Sir, do you saw a blue hedgehog practicing here?" I ask. "Yeah, I saw him singing and it was amazing! I was getting some materials from the janitor's closet but when I came back, he wasn't here anymore. Oh, and I also heard a following scream." The man said while fixing the lights and adjusting it.

I gave thanks, and went around the gym finding Sonic. After 10 minutes, of searching for Sonic. He wasn't here, anywhere. I got worried and decided to call him,  a few rings later.. he still didn't answer. I quickly alert the teachers that Sonic was missing, they then called the cops.

They told me to just sit and wait for the cops, but I didn't want to stay still while Sonic was kidnapped. My friends then ran up to me, their faces filled with concern.

"Amy, what happened? Where is Sonic?!" Blaze asked. "IDK!? When I got back from the bathroom, he wasn't at the backstage anymore!" I cried, my eyes are filled with tears. "Sshhh. It's okay. We are gonna find him, don't cry." Cream said while comforting me.

"Well, there might be some clues. Cuz, the cops would arrive later." Knuckles said. I stopped crying and quickly wipe off my tears. "Yeah, your right. Let's solve this case!" I said.

We all then proceeded at the backstage, where Sonic was missing. We then went around the area to find some clues, I then saw several lyrics scattered beside a stool. I started to pick those up, but I immediately recognized that it was Sonic's lyrics.

"Hey Guys! Look what I found!" Knuckles called. We all then gathered around Knuckles, looking curious. "What is it?" Rouge asked, slightly annoyed. "A spray bottle, it seems empty." He said. Shaking the bottle repeatedly.

"And how's that going to help?" I growled. "Well, there seems to be a brand here. Hmmmmm, ........ Den's?" Knuckles said, reading the brand of the spray bottle.

Suddenly, Knuckles snapped his fingers. "Aha! Maybe, the Kidnapper went into the factory to get a bottle... and held Sonic hostage when he already got Sonic....In the factory!" Blaze said.

We all smiled and said, "Knuckles your such a genious!" Knuckles then did a happy dance. "I did it! Woohoo!" He said. (OUT OF CHARACTER)



Sorry if didn't update quickly, I was distracted at YouTube. So remind you this, Sonic was just kidnapped. So don't expect him to die or any stuff a killer would, there is just a special guest that ordered the man.

But if you have some questions about this chapter, please be sure to put your comment down below. So, BBBYYYYYYEEEEEEE!❤


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