Chapter Twenty-Six

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"So...what the hell do we do now?"

"Same thing we do at every party, sestra. We fuck that shit up."


The big night was finally here.

Our sweet sixteen.

(Technically I was turning 200 and Darcy was turning 46, but who cares)

(Obviously me but who else?)

This birthday was already the best ever. I introduced Darcy to her new niece. The griffin grabbed Darcy in the tightest chokehold I'd ever seen. Darcy-once she could breathe- said Cookie was a good fit.

Lilac cried when she'd seen her aunt. (Darcy cried too. She'd deny it till her dying day.) Thorax was trying not to cry, which only made him start bawling on my shoulder when Darcy hugged her nieces.

Telling the Spencer's Darcy was back had been a whole other thing. Mom and Dad hadn't been happy with it. In their minds Darcy has died, and she was gone. Nothing else about it. Her revival had thrown a wrench, so I held back the note about how she'd been brought back. My brothers were happy for me, plus they thought Darcy was cool so whatever.

As for the Traveler community, I decided to wait until the party to reintroduce her. Plus Darcy was gonna have a dramatic entrance for herself so it'd save me the trouble of doing it. What are sisters for?

Right now, Darcy and I were in my office hiding. We'd gone Traveling for a while, birthday places we wanted to see.

After coming back from the Doctor Who world (we'd been there five hours, cutting it close), Darcy finally took a look around my office.

I'd done it up to be like Sixteen Candles. It was a bit gaudy but it fit the day.

Darcy hummed. " can make it look like anything?"

I sat up on the pink pull out couch bed. "Kinda...yeah." Flashing her the Reality Bracelet, I watched the gems sparkle. "Perks of being a thief."

Darcy cheered. "Told you being a thief was cool." She looked at couch, sneering. "Can we make it"

With a flash of yellow, the room changed shape. Now it was covered in blood splatter, dark furniture, and black curtains. The pullout couch changed from pink and fluffy to black and leather. Over the door was a sign for Mrs Lovett's pie shop.

Darcy nodded in approval. " such a wasted opportunity." She turned to me, hopping up off the couch. "You are really under using your crown." Darcy warned me.

I snorted, putting my hand on my hip. "And how am I doing that, Darcy?"

"This is basically your palace, right? Is there a Dominos pizza here?" Darcy asked. "Or a Dunkin Donuts? Is there a bowling alley? Is there a bowling alley with a Dominos and a Dunkin donuts for concessions?"

"I am grossly under using my crown." Darcy laughed.

"So use the bracelet and give us free pizza! It's like my birthday present!"

"I already brought you back to life. You want more?" She nodded.

So I clicked my fingers.

It changed again, from dark and blood spattered to a bowling alley. There was a pizza display case in the corner of the room, with a donut cart next to it. My desk had changed into a checkout counter.

At our feet, bowling balls.

My sister picked up a dark red 9 pounder. She smirked. "Ready to get your ass beat?"

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