Chapter Twenty-Four

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So dark.

Like a cliche kind of dark.

It shouldn't be this dark. Why was it so sad?

Not sad, no. Sad was something else. The dark was just...dark...right?

Advanced Darkness.

That old bitch.

Hello Darkness my old friend.

I laughed at the old joke. After a second, I realized my laugh wasn't supposed to echo in this kind of dark.

"Hello?" I called out, immediately feeling ridiculous. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe everything is going okay and I'm just being worried for no reason.

Except why didn't it echo that time?

"I know someone is there." I guessed.

The voice that wasn't an echo but was my voice- shouldn't be my voice only one person has my voice why why why is it can it be why does this dream hate me- didn't answer.

"Come out." I called out. My awareness of the dreams was fading. I knew this wasn't life but I knew that voice was the closest way to life I wanted. "I need to hear your voice again."

More nothing.

I fell to my knees.

The darkness didn't echo the sound of my crying.

My awareness left me. Still I cried.

What was I kneeling on?

Why was I crying?

Who had crushed the heart in my chest?

"You always were a melodramatic bitch."

I was always a melodramatic bitch.

"Seriously. This crying is pathetic. Would you stop?"

Seriously. This crying is pathetic. Can I stop? I an echo?

"No! You're not a fucking echo. Author's Storyline, you're being stupid on purpose!"

I got up to my feet. Tears were still on my cheek.

"You're leaking, Yellow."

"You left, Purple."

"Who's fault was that?"



Always mine.

"Mine. It was mine."

No. No it wasn't your fault. My fault. Always, always me. Such a child. Can't do anything right.

"I was the one who did it. I curled my hair, put in the contacts, fixed your hair. Morgue it was MY FAULT! Can't you let me have this one thing?"

I killed her. I brought her there.

She didn't need to come back.

Should've left her alone.

Everyone would've been happier.

Dominic would've killed me-

"And then he would've killed Lilac. Who would stop him then?"

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