Chapter One

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August 14th, 2013. It had been six months since January, when the Mane 6 first followed me Home, when I first realized I was a part of something, when Dominic kidnapped Lilac, when my family and friends found out what I was, when my know, when the Traveler community appointed me their Princess.

Life had been hard after that. The first month being the worst. My Friday's were spent at the Center talking with the ex-Presidents of each State Travel District. Four weeks, forty-nine states left in America alone. Europe has three, Asia has six and Africa has eight! Australia is just one big state, thank God. Each one asked the same fucking questions. It got to the point where I had to print it out on a piece of paper so they wouldn't ask them.

They were as follows. How old are you? Fifteen in human years, one hundred ninety-nine Traveler years. How long have you been Traveling? One hundred eighty nine years. What do I plan to do with the other Travelers? I don't know, call me later when I decide. Is it true you killed President Chamberlin after he kidnapped your Created daughter and Created sister? Leave before I show you how.

It only got worse.

When the meetings stopped, paperwork took their place. I had to fill out forms detailing every place I had gone, how many years I spent and my identities in each. Some required me to revisit those places. I had completely forgotten I spent fifty years in one place. It was Thirty Days of Night so that explained it.

It got difficult when I had explain all the Created's I had. Most were parents, a few brothers, Lilac and...Darcy.

April came. I was given free time to go back to Ponyville again regularly. The first thing I did when I returned was a camping trip. It only served as a reminder to Lilac and I about what happened to Darcy. Not my best idea.

I had taken Lilac on a few Travels. We went to one place where I hadn't been to in a while, Danny Phantom and a place Lilac wanted to visit, How to Train Your Dragon. That was a fun couple of weeks. Before I knew it, she was eight, then nine, and she just recently turned 10 Traveler Years. My little dragon was growing up.

Lila Chamberlin had been going to My Little Pony more than me. Well, her own version of the show. It was weird, apparently Travelers would go into their own version of the show, and go into another Traveler's simply by taking their hand or the hand of their Created. She apparently liked helping Applejack and Pinkie with things. She told me that Twilight had been constantly asking about me, saying Mia and Shiny were asking the same by letter.

Mia and I met up once every two weeks in the Crystal Empire for tea. It was a pain to remember those dates. I avoided what had been happening, for the sole purpose of having somepony not hounding me about my Traveler duties.

While at the Center, my parents had apparently hired an assistant to help me. Her name was Tracy Strauss. She was what Snow White's step-mother would be like. Trust me, I've met her.

Most of the time she was cold, saying she only Traveled for business. I didn't. I Traveled to have some excitement in my life, to help the Characters inside the Shows.

I met some other nice Travelers. One is a Katelynn Meldon, a teen who has Traveled three times before. She was my second closest Traveler friend, the first was Lila. A third was Smith Tyler (the guy that had the office across from me) or was it Tyler Smith?

Then there was Kelly Davids from accounting, Donald Walters from the Trackers Lab (a place where Traveler make sure the International Traveler Database [ITB] is up to date), Charlie from the coffee room, and finally Dahlia Bates. She was nice, nicer than some of those others. I like her.

Darcy would've laughed at that. Saying she had called it all along. I would correct her saying I liked Dahlia as a friend, but Darcy would say 'whatever you say, Morgue, whatever you say'.

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