19 :- Who Are You And What Have You Done With Angelo

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XIX. Who Are You And What have You Done With Angelo Tallerico

Song of the Day:- Call My Name by Wizkid

*Lollipop by Mika

*Bad by Michael Jackson

20:- Who Are You And What Have You Done With Angelo

Madison Shepherd

I looked in the mirror. I wore a white tailored blouse, a black sweater and navy blue pleated Marc Jacobs skirt with knee high boots. My make up want light and well done, I turned to the blond boy idly flipping through my copy of Jane Eyre. "So, what do you think?"

Jasper tossed the book aside and inspected my outfit. "Sen-sational!" he praised looking me over with approval.

"You think?" I turned back to that mirror. He was right, I did look hot but I couldn't quell the million butterflies in my stomach.

Today was my first day back at school since Jasper and I had come back from Macau where we had enjoyed sight seeing, visiting the casinos and exploring that Isle Nuoah.

My father had welcomed Jasper like a long lost son and asked pleasantly how our trip had gone.

"It was great dad," I said, wondering at his behavior. I then realized he was acting this way because I was with Jasper and not Angelo. Angelo... the name still caused my heart to skip a beat.

"I must say I'm relieved she was with you and not that boy," Dad remarked during dinner.

I dropped my fork and felt a lump in my throat. Glaring at my father, I said sharply,

"Angelo and I broke up Dad."

"Oh!!" he looked taken aback but he quickly recovered from it and smiled triumphantly. "Well what did I tell you? That boy was never serious about you to begin with. He was just a dull little delinquent with no brains and no class."

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