22: He said to follow the blood

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I had made it to the edge of the border just as the scent of blood filled my nose. The trail was pretty heavy but here, it was all I could smell. This was where he had killed them –Rosy and Juliet- just outside of our territory. He was playing a skillful game, one he thought he could and would win, but I had other plans for him.

Following the thick scent, I could sense eyes on me. Trying my best to take in my surroundings –without looking like I was doing so- my slight trot sped up a bit as I stuck my nose to the ground. Making it look like I was searching for the end of the scent but in all reality I was searching for his scent.

It was odd that I couldn’t find it. I knew he was close, but for me not to be able to smell him….it was just not possible. Only vampires had no scent. Though Weres were always able to tell when they were close.

Their minds gave off a gentle hum. A small vibration that most supernatural beings could pick up on but there was nothing like the sort here. It was like I was alone but I knew I wasn’t.

How is he masking his scent? I’ve never known a Were to be able to do that.

My wolf thought aloud in my head.

I left her to it, how was not really my concern at the moment. Why, however, was. Why would he mask his scent if he wanted me to find him? He had told me to come to him, so why would he make it more difficult to do so.

He thinks we aren’t alone. The thought hit me just as it hit my wolf.

Just when the realization hit us, we could feel the slight pressure on our mental block. A light knocking –if you will- but nearly so soft, we almost didn’t notice it. At first I thought it might be Ryker, but the feeling that surrounded the presence in my head was nothing like the feeling I would get with him.

Letting down my walls only enough to feel around and ‘peek’ –so to speak- at who was trying to get in, I was shocked when my small crack completely crumbled into a pile of rubble inside my mind.

Did you really think you could hide from me?

The deep voice sneered. I knew it immediately.


Ryker’s POV:

It’s been hours since Dallas left and no matter how many times I try to get through to her, I am met with the small hardened wall that surrounds her thoughts. My frustrations were growing at the thought of not knowing where she was or what was happening to her.

We had tried everything, even Jax had tried to break her wall but –surprisingly- she was stronger than he was. I was slowly losing hope that we would be able to find her after Ricky and Beth returned. They were our best trackers and once they lost her scent at the small creek that lined our border, I knew we wouldn’t be able to find her unless she wanted us to.

“Who was with her here when he came to her?”

Jax asked, I could tell his patients was wearing thin also. He didn’t hold back in voicing his annoyance with her decision to leave without telling anyone or taking some kind of back-up. As much as I wanted to tear him apart for his anger with my mate, I knew it came from a place of love.

Funny, I always thought vampires couldn’t love. Up until Jax I –like most Weres- had hated vampires. But there was something about him. It was like he forced you to like him, which I wouldn’t put pass him, the things vamps could do was shocking.

‘I can hear your thoughts, you know! And let me tell you….that is just rude! Push me pup and you will not like the outcome!’

My head snapped to the side to glare at him. He was getting on my last nerves and this just broke the last straw.

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