20: How do you know Brody?

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I woke up to a bright ass light being shown in my eye. Someone’s clod fingers holding my eyelid as they held the light spot on for a few seconds.

“Move that light…or lose your hand.”

I groaned out, lifting my heavy limb to swat the person away. Hearing the tenor chuckle I knew only one ‘person’ to have. The slightly higher pitch of his voice set him apart from all the adult wolves in the pack. Their baritone and bass ranges were such a contrast to that of his.

Willing my eyes open, I try to sit up but his cold hand landed on my head –holding me down easily- while he continued to laugh.

“Easy, Red. Your ribs haven’t quite healed up yet.”

“Than stop being an ass and help me up, Jax.”

Rolling my eyes as he looked down at me with a smirk. Before I knew it I was up and on my feet, his arm around my waist, supporting me. I ignored the growl that came from Ryker who was standing on the other side of the bed. I knew his wolf didn’t like Jax holding me this close.

“You can let her go now, Vamp!”

Jax simply eyed Ryker, his smirk turning into a full grin as he tighten his grip on me. He was playing with him and I knew sooner or later Ryker would snap.

“Stop teasing him, Jax! I won’t stop him if he attacks you. You’re asking for it and you know it.”

I shot my elbow into his harden ribcage. Wincing when it connected with, what felt like, pure steel. Ryker noticed and was by my side in less than a second. Forcefully pushing Jax off me while still being gentle enough not to hurt me in the process.

“I’m fine. No fighting.”

I looked between the two. Jax had an amused expression on his sharp features. His blue eyes taking a silver shade from the reflective glow all vampires had. His dirty blond hair mussed, like always, and he was in bad need of a shave. Though the stubbled look did suit him rather well.  

Ryker on the other hand looked furious. His breathing was heavy, eyes blacken and narrowed as he glared at Jax. Running my hand up and down his bicep to help calm him seemed to help.

“He’s quite smitten with you isn’t he? ....Then again, he is your mate. When did you plan on telling me? Or had you forgotten your dear old friend?”

His fake hurt expression was laughable but I could tell there was a bit of actual hurt behind his words. I had basically dropped off the face of the earth for four months and hadn’t bother to call. It’s not like I checked-in often, only when crossing the territory of a pack. Something I had been meant to do but then Ryker happened.

“Sorry. Time slipped me?”

I mumbled my pathetic apology and excuse.

“You’re forgiven Red. Just don’t let it happen again.”

Ryker, it seemed had reached his boiling point. Pulling me behind him and settling me on the bed quickly before he strode over to face Jax. Looking down at my slightly shorter friend, he curled his fist and let out a growl.

“Do not tell her what to do! If she never calls you again, it will be too soon. You are only here because she asked for you and as soon as she tells you to leave, you will not be welcomed back!”

“Who says she’ll send me away?”

God this idiot has a death wish! I thought as I got back on my feet. Walking to stand in between the two. Placing my hand on each of their chest, I slightly pushed them back.

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