Smile (chapter fifteen)

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I felt that now Phil and I had overcome most of our problems with the quick chat in the taxi cab. At the very least, the both of us had come to an agreement about the whole lack of communication thing. And with my worries temporarily subdued, I was finally able to breathe and enjoy the BBC event. 

Phil and I weren't really supposed to present anything this time around (it was actually kind of weird being apart of the audience and not handing awards to anyone). The event was basically just a short awards show, nothing big enough to put live, to give some thanks to the people at the BBC. Phil and I don't really work there anymore but I guess out of curtesy, our closer friends at the BBC thought it necessary to invite us.

Basically, Phil and I got out of the cab, went in the BBC (after straightening each other's bowties, "Every time Phil..." "Hey! Yours is wonky too..."), and watched the show. There was a bit of an after party where a bunch of our friends from the BBC were at, so we decided to stay a little longer. I went around talking to people and...I kind of lost Phil in the process...But I'm sure he was fine (probably just meeting new people or something).


I sort of slipped away from Dan during the after party, it wasn't meant to happen but I guess large groups of people and my horrible sense of direction don't really go together. I was talking to a few new people, but after a while, I started to get drained and wanted some time to myself before rejoining the party.

Going into a corner, I pulled out my phone and mindlessly went onto the dating website I have used way to many times before. I think it was turning into a habit. I kind of just scrolled through the different profiles until I came across this one girl's.

Her hair was the colour of butterscotch and her eyes seemed to glow with ambition. She was beautiful, I hated to admit it to myself, but there was no denying it. I scrolled through her photos (internet stalking was something I was pretty accustom to...My entire life being on the internet and all) long enough to realise that in almost every photo, she looked deep in thought and I really wanted to know what thoughts were behind those eyes.

I was about to look back to her profile name when I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Phil! C'mon, everyone's leaving. Unless you want to catch a cab by yourself..." Dan was yelling the words in my direction.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I quickly slide my phone back in my pocket before Dan could see what I was doing.


Dan and I had got home at around 9:00 and we were both exhausted, despite the early time.

"I think I'm going to head off early, okay?" I said to Dan as we were entering our flat.

"Oh...okay." Dan yawned, "I should be going to sleep as well."

I walked into my bedroom, sleepily toke off my day clothes and put on some vibrant pjs. The lights flicked off and the blinds were pulled closed. I flopped down in my bed and slowly pulled the covers over me, to get to the ultimate level of comfiness. But right before I drifted into sleep, I remembered the girl.

I hurriedly opened up the website to the unnamed girl's profile. And at the top of her profile:


In my mind I had a clear image of her butterscotch locks and green eyes as I fell asleep. I knew that first thing tomorrow I was going to message her (the fact that I still hadn't talked to her after going through her photos kind of made me feel weird). But I hoped that maybe one day I could talk to her...Or meet her.


After Phil went into his room and to bed for the night, I rushed to my room to continue the fan fiction. Things had happened since the last time I wrote so I felt the need to write a bit more, to kind of celebrate in a way the progress Phil and I were making.

"Why are we even back here?" Phil was surprised to be back by the scenery of the ocean.

"I wanted to bring us back to a place that was as beautiful as our love."

"That was way to cheesy." Phil smiled towards Dan and let out a small giggle. This made Dan blush and giggle as well. Dan loved Phil's smile.

"Yeah, alright" Dan's eyes rolled, "But its true. We both know we would always be together, ever since the day we met."

Phil pulled Dan in for a kiss. Dan leaned in carefully... Water was all that Dan received in return from Phil. Phil had already started to inch towards the ocean, laughing almost hysterically.

"Two can play at that game!"

The two ran off into the water, barely even noticing how already soaking wet they were. Water splashing in all directions and shared laughs continuing throughout the next hour, and neither of the pair would have their nights spent any other way...

I finished up the chapter a short while after that point and finally decided to get ready for bed. The BBC event did get me really tired, and writing when you're half asleep might not be the best thing to do. Before I got into my warm bed that was practically calling my name at this point in the night, I went to go check on Phil. I went straight up to his door and listened.

Snores were all that I could hear...

I climbed into bed and thought for a second, knowing I could pass out any moment:

Where was Phil during the party?
What if he wasn't talking to BBC people?
Why am I so concerned about this? 

The thoughts kinda just hit me out of nowhere.

I had no idea where Phil was during the party.
Why should I care what Phil does and who he interacts with?
I'm not concerned...

Am I?

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